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Luke pulled his eyes away from the gorgeous guy and looked at Jack. Tall, dark hair, dark features. The opposite of Luke. He sighed slightly. He definitely didn't seem to be Ashton's type and from the sound of things he and Jack had been together for a while.

"Oh, Alex just walked in." Jack smiled pulling away from Ashton.

"I'll see you in a bit." Jack said not even looking at Ashton.

"Oh, yeah, okay." Ashton spoke with a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Who's Alex?" Luke asked suddenly.

"A friend of his." Ashton answered smiling but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Well you can hang out with us." Calum said patting Ashton's arm before walking over to the beer pong tables.

"There's four of us. Two on each table." Calum grinned grabbing a ball.

"Okay." Ashton nodded taking the opposite end of the table.

Luke fought to ignore the adorable guy as he and Michael played thier game.

"Luke, you and Ashton won so now I play you and Michael plays Ash." Calum said once the games ended.

Luke once again concentrated on ignoring Ashton.

"Who's winning?" Ashton asked Once He And Michael's game ended.

"Luke." Calum laughed.

"Who won yours?"

"Me." Ashton grinned widely.

"If Luke gets this last cup you'll play him." Calum said waiting for Luke to throw the ball.

Luke tossed the ball landing it perfectly in Calum's cup.

"Luke wins." Ashton laughed looking at the blonde. Luke smiled as Ashton took Calum's place at the end of the table.

"Luke's really good so be warned." Michael chuckled.

Luke watched with admiring eyes as Ashton concentrated on aiming the ball. The way he bit his lip. The way his cheek dimpled. Luke didn't even notice when the ball landed in one of his cups.

"Drink up, Hemmings." Calum laughed. He was a bit tipsy.

Luke drug his eyes away from Ashton. This guy really had him hooked. He was never this drawn to anyone before.

Luke managed to concentrate on the game some but Ashton was so distracting Luke found himself losing.

"Okay last cup. Come on." Ashton aimed carefully before landing the ball in Luke's last cup.

"I won!" Ashton laughed as he high fived Michael and Calum.

"Well played, Ashton." Luke grinned.

"Thanks." Ashton smiled widely.

"Ooh, this is my song. Come on Mikey." Calum said suddenly grabbing Michael's hand and rushing over to a group of people who were already dancing.

"Well they've clearly had more to drink." Luke chuckled earning a giggle from Ashton.

"I'd say so." Ashton agreed.

"Wanna go sit?" Luke suggested pointing to a quiet set of chairs on the other side of the pool.

"Sure." Ashton nodded before following Luke.

"So how do you and Calum know each other?" Luke asked.

"Oh we've been friends since middle school." Ashton answered.

"What about you? How do you know Calum and Michael?"

"Michael and I met him at orientation at the end of last year. Michael and I have been friends since we were little." Luke answered.

"That's cool. I don't get to see Calum that much anymore." Ashton said looking over at the raven haired guy with Michael.

"How come?" Luke asked.

"He's not a huge fan of Jack." Ashton shrugged looking back at Luke.

"How long have you two been together" Luke asked glancing at Ashton's boyfriend who was laughing with a group of guys.

"One year tomorrow actually." Ashton smiled.

"Oh. Congratulations." Luke said forcing a smile.

"Thanks." Ashton smiled back.

"Any fun things planned?" Luke asked trying to hide his disappointment.

"Oh, no. He's going skiing with a few friends." Ashton answered shaking his head.

"You're kidding." Luke scoffed.

"No. But it's fine really. Jack isn't into celebrating." Ashton said with a small smile.

"Doesn't that bother you?" Luke asked frowning.

"Not really. I'm used to it." Ashton shrugged.

"Well, Calum, Michael and I were gonna go to the beach tomorrow. You should join us." Luke offered.

"Ummm, yeah, sure." Ashton agreed hesitantly.

"Great, put your number in my phone and I'll text you." Luke grinned handing over his phone.

"Okay." Ashton smiled taking the phone from Luke.

When Ashton handed the phone back Luke opened the camera.

"Smile. I need a contact picture."

Ashton smiled widely his dimples digging deep into his cheeks.

"Perfect." Luke grinned as he put his phone away.

"Ashton, come on. I've got an early morning." Jack said walking up to Luke and Ashton.

Ashton stood.

"See ya, Luke." Ashton smiled.

"See ya." Luke nodded as Jack wrapped his arm around Ashton's shoulder and lead him away.

Okay, can I just say that it is so hard to write Jack as such an asshole. I don't know why. Lol. Anyway, I hope you guys like it. Let me know what you think. Love youuuu!! 😘

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