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Val's pov

Johnson came and picked me up at my apartment like he said and then we drove to some vintage shop and we went mini golfing.

We didn't buy things but we did walk around and try funny things on. He made me laugh a lot and I totally forgot about that post earlier.

"You know, I had a pretty fun evening" I mumbled looking over at him, as he sat in the driver seat.

"I did too, we need to hang out more" he looked over at me and gave a smile. "Thanks a lot, for taking my mind off of him"

"No problem" leaning over I gave him a quick hug before kissing him on the cheek. I watched as his cheeks flushed a pink rosy color before I got out of the car.

I began walking up to my apartment when I heard him yell,"You owe me five dollars for that bet we made"

"We'll see about that J" I smirked at him.


My feels are coming and I'm starting to lowkey ship Johnson and Val.

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