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Val's pov

It had been a week later and I had turned my phone off and blocked Chanel a while ago.

I was so bored. I didn't know what to do, so next what I did was get up from the hotel bed and leave the room. I left and started my way down the street.

I eventually found a Starbucks down the street and decided to enter to get a coffee. I walked into the store, the smell instantly hitting my nose and making me happy. Smiling softly to myself I walked over to the front desk.

I ordered and the lady names Keira, which I had learned from her name tag, handed me my drink and I paid her. She smiled at me before handing me my change.

As I said a quick thank you I went to turn around and when I did I came face to face with 8 sets of eyes, all standing in a clump together.

There stood, Jack, Chanel, Johnson, Madison, stassie, Sammy, Jordyn, Nate.

I just stood there as my breath caught in my throat. "Val!" Johnson said clearly shocked to see me. "It's Valerie" I said, only these people besides Madison used to call me Val. That's when we were all friends, but now they don't get that privilege. "Valerie," Johnson corrected himself nodding, he moved closer away from the group before standing in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, I scoffed. "What are you doing here? And with them?" I asked pointing to, Jack, Madison, Jordyn, and stassie. Last I checked Johnson didn't really appreciate what Jack had done, and now they were all hanging out.

The rest of the boys I was sorta okay with. Except, the one known as Nate. He has mentioned that we had chemistry, but I didn't remember anything.

"We just decided to come together, and make up. We didn't wanna be strained anymore. We wanted everything to go back to normal, we wanted to all be friends"

"And you didn't think about asking me if I wanted to join?" Truth was I did miss how everything was, I missed being friends with these guys, but Madison and jack ruined my life.

"I didn't know you were in town, if so I would have invited you"

"I see you have someone new to the group" I mumbled glaring at Chanel. "Yeah, actually her name is,-"

"Chanel, I know her name. We used to be friends"

"Oh, her and jack just started going out" Sammy spoke up. I scoffed. "It won't last long" I mumbled, brushing past them all and making my way out the doors.


The drama will continue on, the next chapter will be up in a couple minutes. 10 comments and 20 likes for this chapter.

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