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Val's pov

The shopping trip went on longer then you anticipated, but you did end up finding some really cute outfits, or course most of them were slutty for your job but some were simple and yet cute.

"Where next?" You asked Chanell. She just sighed, "I guess a hotel?"

You silently nodded. You hadn't remembered the last time you slep in your own bed or the last time you slept for at least 5 hours.

As soon as your got to the hotel you immediately went straight to the bed. "Ughhh" you sighed plopping down.

"Huh?" Chanell asked, "I'm just. Sore"

"Well it's kinda expected" she mumbled slipping off her nude pumps. "I know that, but is it really worth it?" You questioned looking over at her. "It is, you get the best sex of your life and you get paid to do it" she smiled as she fiddled with the bracelet on her wrists.

"It's a dream job" she sighed happily. You scoffed, and flinched at her choosing of words.

"Dream job!?"

"Yeah, it's the best thing, don't you just love the thrill of waking up in a strangers bed and then getting paid?"

"No I don't!" You screamed. "I never expected myself doing this, let alone thinking this was my dream job. I never came here to do this, I came here to get away from everyone"

"To me it sounds like you don't like prostitution?!" She fired back. "I don't, I'm nothing like you. This isn't a lifestyle Chanell! I want a husband, kids, a family," I stared, tears in my eyes.

"I wanna wake up every morning and not have to worry about who I have to fuck just to get a couple hundred dollars"

"Then why did you decide to do this, out of everything else? You could've already settled down, had a couple kids"

"Because then what else would I have?"

"What do you mean?" She inched closer to me.

"No one loves me"

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐌 ;; 𝘫.𝘨𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘬𝘺 ✓Where stories live. Discover now