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Time skip

Nate's pov

A year had gone by and no one had seen or heard from Valerie.

I almost thought that maybe she didn't want to be found and cut all ties from everyone, but as soon as her parents had known she left they began to call her, but she never answered.

No one knew if she changed her phone number, or if she was just being stubborn and wasn't answering.

I was worried, and I could tell the rest of the boys were too. But we couldn't change the fact that Valerie had left and might not ever be coming back.

So eventually most of us carried on with our lives, Madison and Jack went there separate ways. Johnson and Jessica have been going strong and have moved in together. I've been doing fine and I've moved on from a Valerie, apart of me loves her, as a friend.

But Sammy and Stassie seemed to be going down hill each day.

I didn't know what happened between the two but Sammy had been showing up at my apartment for the past 2 weeks straight, every Friday.

He'd have a couple shots and then he'd crash on my couch.

I've been wanting to ask him, but out of all of the boys him and I are the closest and to be honest I didn't wanna push him away.

S O R T A   I M P O R T A N T 
R E A D   D O W N   B E L O W  

After the persons name comment who you would want together for a couple ⏬ I just wanna know before I continue.

✅Valerie and Jack?

✅Valerie and Johnson?

✅Valerie and Nate?

✅Valerie and Sammy?

✅Or Valerie with a whole new character that I could make up?


I won't be updating until I get at least 12 comments on this post, so make sure to comment for the next chapter.

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