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Val's pov

Nate had left the room to go and get some food, the boys had all gone home for the night.

But this jack guy, he stayed. Saying he just wanted to talk.

"Your parents will be here any minute" he announced.


"Yeah Vanessa and Nick Mercado, your parents"

"That's funny?," i chuckled looking at my hands. "I-I- what do they look like?"

"Well let's just say you have yours moms smile and your dads eyes" He smiled at me.

There was a knock on the door and whoever it was jack motioned them to come in.

I watched as two people came in and they immediately started silently crying. "Oh Valerie" the woman mumbled shaking her head. I just frowned. Who was she?

Was she my mom, and was the man beside her my dad, the ones I don't remember.

They ran over to me wrapping there arms around me, I didn't wrap mine around them though. I didn't even know these people, or at least I didn't remember.

As soon as they let go I looked into there eyes and I began tearing up as well. "Valerie?"

"Who are you?" They shared a look before staring back at me. "Y-your parents?" The man mumbled holding the woman's hand. "I don't remember having parents" I looked at them confused.

"Your not my parents" "well then who are we?" The woman who claimed she was my mother asked. I paused trying to think of who they were, but nothing came across my mind. Instead a big headache came, and I felt like I was spinning. My eyesight became blurry, really blurry, and I felt like passing out.

"I don't know"

"Valerie were your parents, Vanessa and Nick"

"Your overprotective, scared, loving parents" the man said.

"We love you" I couldn't take it, why were they lying. I didn't know them? They were lying, they just wanted to come in here and mess with me.

"Leave" I stated coldly. My supposedly mother moved forward to try and grab my hand but when her hand brushed mine I flinched and pulled away.

"Leave" I yelled, she looked sad as well as the man.

"No, we want to help you. Help you remember" he said stepping forward putting a hand on the woman's shoulder. The jack guy was missing from the chair next to my bed, when the hell did he leave?

"Go" I mumbled looking away. "No-" "I said go" I screamed getting up from the bed, running over to the table I began to pick things up and throw it at them. Like books, a pen, the clipboard.

"Leave me alone" I screeched. I watched the door quickly open and in came doctors. Three of them. And then behind them stood a very worried Nate.

I kept throwing things at everyone but before I could do anything else the doctors had came over to me and pinned me to the bed. I watched as one left and ran out of the room and came back with hand cuffs. They hand cuffed me to the bed railing with both hands but I just wanted everyone to leave. My head hurt really bad.

"Something's wrong" one doctor mumbled as he held my kicking feet down. "She shouldn't be acting like this"

"Stop, please. I just wanna go home" I cried. I didn't know where home was but I wanted to be there, anywhere except here. "Here give her this, it'll calm her down. Knock her out for a while so we can figure out what's wrong" someone mumbled quietly.

Something sharp was stuck in my arm before they pulled it out and I saw fuzziness, my eyesight weren't cooperating with me.

And before I knew it I felt my body go numb and my eyes shut.


From what I know Vanessa and Nick aren't her real parents I made them up

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