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Jack G pov

A day had passed since I stormed out of Madison's and my apartment. It's been a day since she announced that the baby possibly isn't mine.

I didn't know if she meant it or of she was just joking, out of anger. But I knew I had to go back to the apartment to check on her and to sort things out.

So I had gone back and when I got back I found the place surprisingly clean, but Madison was no where to be found downstairs. So I checked upstairs, and I found her laying in the bed, playing with something in her hands.

It looked to be the pregnancy test. I paused in the doorway, I was confused, why did she keep it? Why did she look like she was hiding something?

"Madison?" I questioned. She sighed before looking up at me, a frown on her face.

"Is the baby really mine?" I needed to know, because if it wasn't I was going to walk out this door and never come back. I don't know where I'd go, maybe to find Valerie.

Sitting up in the massive pillows and fluffy blankets she looked at me sadly, "there is no baby"

I froze and my breath caught in my chest. "You lost it?"

"No, there never really was a baby,"

"But the pregnancy test-" I started as I entered the room further.

"Is fake"she threw it too me and I caught it and I checked it over. "I just colored it" she mumbled.

"Why? Why would you lie to me about this?"

"I- because of Valerie, after she started remembering I became jealous because you two seemed to be getting closer again, and no girl wants another girl to steal their boyfriend so, I figured the only way to keep your grounded too me was too say I was pregnant"

After listening to her little speech, I immediately began yelling at her. " I can't believe you would do that, just over jealously. I want you out of my apartment"

"Fine, but when I'm gone you'll want me back" she mumbled getting out of the bed and grabbing a bag filling it with some of her clothes.

"No I won't" I yelled as I slammed the bedroom door shut after her.

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