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Val's pov

She chased after me, and she eventually stopped me.

"What's going on?" Chanel asked, curiosity rose to her. "Me? What do you mean what's going on? Your dating my ex" I yelled at her.

"Ex?" She whispered shocked.

"Yes, my cheating, lying ex" I yelled in her face and she just frowned.

"He's the reason why I went to Arizona in the first place, and now your dating him" that's a piece of crap, I couldn't believe this.

"Listen, I didn't know he was your ex and I'm sorry I brought you here without knowing he was, but-" she started flinging her hands all over the place.

"I want him gone" I spat out, crossing my arms over my chest. I know it was kinda demanding but I didn't want to see him.

"What!? Valerie no, I actually like him, you can't expect me to dump him off somewhere just because you two had a past"

"That's what a best friend would do" it was true, best friends would do that. It happened all the time in those cliche movies.

"No! Don't best friends want each other happy?" She protested.

"Yeah, and I'm not happy with this, so you either dump him off or I'm gone"
I honestly didn't know why it bothered me so much that these two were getting close or dating, I wasn't happy for Chanel at all. I was upset because a part of me felt pain.

"You can't threaten me like that" "I didn't" I mumbled.

"I'm not getting rid of you or him, so let go of the past" Chanel yelled. Furious, I was furious.

"I'm not holding onto-" I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"You clearly are if you won't let this go, you should let me be happy"

"I haven't been truly happy in a long time" she mumbled rubbing her arm, that I noticed where the goosebumps began to rise.

"You haven't been happy? All you talk about is having the best time of your life you ride some hunk in a grubby hotel"

"I do not"

"Are you jealous?" She questioned.

"Why would I be jealous, I don't like our job"rolling my eyes I stated.

"Not of that, of jack and me?" she sighed. Looking back over at the devil himself I shook my head. "I'm not jealous, your relationship will fail to get off the ground" I yelled as I began to walk away from her. She'll see, he'll dump her off like he did me, just wait and see.


I'm going to be doing a Q&A so ask questions in the comment section to have your question answered. It can be any question, I'll be putting the questions into the next chapter of the book if I get questions, so make sure to comment.

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