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Val's pov

I groaned as I sat down on the bench in our park. Yes, I had come but not for jack, for Chanel. I needed proof that he had stayed in his cheating ways. I needed Chanel too know what she was getting herself into. I probably should've told her about my past, she would've understood better.

I sat there and waited and waited, until I watched as a shadow made its way closer to me, I realized it was jack as the street lights shined on his face.

"You came?" He smiled sitting down next to me, I scooted away. "Not for you, for Chanel" I watched as he frowned, "oh, well I'm glad you came"

It was silent for a while and I was just waiting for him to speak. "So, what did you wanna talk about"

"About earlier" I scoffed, "there's nothing to talk about, you and Chanel are hooking up that's fine"

He shook his head. "No were not hooking up, were just friends right now who happen to like each other"

"That's amazing jack really, but can I leave?" "No, I wanted to tell you I didn't know she was your best friend"

"Okay is that all?" I questioned.

"No" he mumbled.

"Well then what"

"I wanted to tell you I still love you"

"Jack,-" I started, "Valerie, I'm going to love you forever and your just going to have to except that. And I want you back, maybe one day"

"No jack. You ruined my life, the car accident was your fault, all my friends are gone because of Madison. Once again, your fault and now your taking Chanel away from me? Sounds like you don't want me to be happy, like you don't want me to have friends, to have an escape"

"That's not how it is Valerie and you know that" he inched closer to me. "Is it?" I mumbled standing up. I began to walk away fast, hoping he wouldn't fallow me but a hand had gripped my arm.

"Valerie, please listen to me, I do really love you. And I know I've fucked up in the past, but I'm willing to make this right with you"

"I don't want anything to do with your sorry ass-" before I could do anything I was whipped around and lips were on mine, I gasped as I realized what he was doing, but I ended up getting caught in the trance because I had started kissing back.

It wasn't a rough kiss, but a soft kiss. But as it clicked in my mind what was actually happening, I pulled away tears in my eyes. "Jack, why did you do that?" I cried backing away from him.

"To show you how much I love you" he tried, stepping forward to reach for my hand. "Y-you have Chanel, you can't just go around kissing people"

"But you kissed back, Valerie" he said, and I froze. "I know, and it was the worst mistake in my life"


Y'all did it. Here's your update. 40 likes and 39 comments for the next update. I know you guys can do this, it won't be much of a challenge. :)

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