Episode 26--> Bottled Up

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Episode 26--> The Hugh Hunt: Bottled Up


The question slipped from my mouth as coarse and as smoothly flowing as sand. Deidara gazing eyes snapped down to my face. We were still sat down on the fallen tree, side by side, turned towards each other now. Although he is looking me in the eyes, Deidara is staring blankly.

And, even though the gentleman beside me was frozen, the tropical breeze, as if to solely contradict the stillness, blew gently past our bodies. It smells of salt and sends my bangs swaying. Ticklish and wanting none of it, I smoothly tucked each loose strand behind my ears.

Deidara.exe was still not responding. His bang, which always hid his left eye and eye scope, was being played with by the mischievous wind.

Sighing, I reach out and tuck his hair behind his ear for him. Deidara finally blinks and I tilt my head peering up at him imploringly.

"Can I take that to mean that you like Naomi?" There I said it, I brought it up.

I study his reaction, preparing for a real heart to heart.

"...!" Deidara's smile was awfully stiff, sweat drips down his face, "She is the coolest gal-pal I have right now." He says it through gritted teeth obviously biting back his true feelings.

I tilt my head to the side. Wow that sounds rehearsed, don't it?

"Oh, ho, ho, I understand." I smirk, innocently rock back and forth on our fallen tree trunk perch and wiggle my sandy toes. (≖◡≖)

(Ya can't have a heart to heart if you won't be honest now can ya, Dei-kun~)

I wasn't letting him get out of this. Whilst giving Deidara a naughty wink, I tap my lip with a suggestive peace sign, "Oh, you totally want her V."

Deidara gives me a dramatic look of shock and then he sighs in resignation. (The Hugh girls think so much alike it's scary, un.) Deidara thought, visibly shook, as he recalled those same words coming from Naomi herself just over an hour ago.

"Sooooo you followed Naomi home? What did you do together?" I smirk mischievously. As I asked this once again, his face becomes so dramatic. 😂 I really feel the overwhelming dark desire to tease the hell out of him. 😏

He became agitated by the 'You-love-Krabby-patties-don't-you-Squirdward' looks I keep giving him. Oooh he vex! 😂

"It's Adult business, yeah

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"It's Adult business, yeah." He groans, exasperated and mortified to be having this kind of discussion with a minor and a girl, a girl who was also Naomi's cousin.

I wasn't having nunadat, talking about 'adult business', psssh, puhleez, "Hoe, I done told you before you only have four years on me, two on my brother! You could be my brother at your age, you ain't no grandpa." I snort-laughed immaturely, "Besides... calling it 'Adult business' makes it sound naughty."

He glared at me, "Whatever, un." He scratches at his cheeks that nervous action indicates that he was a bit more flustered about it than he lets on in his tone, "How did you even find out about that anyway?"

"She talked about it. She told me when we were alone in her car. You guys were acting off in there! I couldn't help it. You didn't think I wouldn't ask what's good, didcha?"

Deidara seems troubled by my words, he suddenly gets broody. "She told you... you say?"

I guess I understand his discomfort and how he is feeling. He had vehemently defended Naomi when I accused her of telling him my secret aka my business. And now for her to go and reveal his business, it was understandably difficult for him to believe.

He was correct. It was out of Naomi's character to talk other people's business under any circumstance, and I feel guilty for forgetting that.

It's shameful to admit, but having two dear friends betray me in the past may have warped my faith in others. I may know someone like the back of my hand, yet it felt like no matter how out of character it would be of them, they can switch on me at any moment. The possibility of future betrayal makes my heart anxious.

I lack confidence in others and may have lost the heart to believe in others. But it's my own problem and it is not Naomi's fault, I was creating misunderstandings unintentionally.

Although sometimes she may tease, she never gives accurate details. Like back when she told the other ninjas my anime crush was a guy named 'Sabuku or something'. She intentionally mispronounced it. I can attest just by the fact she mentioned 'Ryoga Hibiki's' name, his full government name, mind you, and I've screeched Shikamaru's name 1000s of times more than his. And she calls him Sabuku? HA! Intentional. Names is Naomi's game, pulling files is her job for God's sake, lol.

Naomi doesn't gossip other's secrets, buuuuuuuut... with family she is loose-lipped about her own secrets. 😅

So, anyhow, since Deidara made a move on HER, technically, it was HER secret to tell.

I made sure to clear that up with Deidara since he was so sweet to defend Naomi.

He seems relieved. "Hm... I might regret asking this but was she upset?" There wasn't anything he could do to change what happened at this point.

"Didn't get a clear reading of her feelings about it and I'm not saying she thinks you want the 'V' but she totally thinks you want the V." I bounce my eyebrows at him playfully and I couldn't help laughing at my corniness.

"Forget I asked, hm." He groans under his breath a bit and buries his forehead into the palm of his hand, probably brooding over the misunderstanding he has caused.

I grunt out of my nose in amusement and whisper just loud enough for him to hear, "He wants the V, hm."

He cracks a smile, "Are you mocking me now, hm?"

I squeal as he roughs up my hair. I swat him off with a few karate chops, "Hahaha, your sexy grunting is contagious!"

"I guess the cat is out the bag." He supposes.

"Yup... but it's funny because everyone else thinks you're shacking up with Sasori, haha. It would be a scandal if the cat really got out of the bag."

Deidara scratches his long blonde hair. (=_v) "Un, that would be a pain to explain..."

I put on my announcer face, "Headlines 'Flaming (pretend) homo bomber falls for sweet island gal for her V!'"

"Funny, shut up." His eyes roll at my twisted humor.

I giggle, kicking my swinging feet in the air and looking at his profile.

"What do you like about Naomi, if you don't mind me asking?"

(to be continued...)

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