Chapter 3

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Meredith Grey was not a happy woman. Her day had been terrible. The first patient she had this morning died during a routine procedure. It wasn't her fault, they didn't know her heart was too weak for anesthesia. After that, she had to do rounds with the interns which was hell, due to the fact this years interns were a bunch of idiots. And now she was stuck in the pit, babysitting because a quarter of the residents has called out with the flu. So she sat there, just waiting for something more than just little sicknesses that came through.

"Have I mentioned how much I hate the interns?" Cristina groaned as she sat her tablet on the nurses station.

"We all do, but why now?" Meredith asked as she munched on a bag of potato chips she had one of the interns fetch for her.

"One of them called me for a consult because they thought they heard a murmur but of course it wasn't, the guy probably coughed or something," she replied.

"Yeah, I have interns who are running unnecessary test on patients. Like they ordered a full body CT on a patient with stomach pains," Meredith said.

"Like I said, they get dumber and dumber as the new ones come in," Cristina rolled her eyes.

"Have you met Dr. Shepherd yet?" Meredith asked curiously.

"Yes, just after he started. He and I worked on a case resecting a tumor from this guys spinal cord that was literally almost in his heart," Cristina nodded.

"Was he good?" Meredith asked.

"He is a god, they weren't kidding when people brag on him. Why were you asking?" Cristina now got curious.

"No reason, just wondering," she shrugged.

"Is this about the thing with CJ?" Cristina asked.

"No, he has a doctor and he's pretty good," Meredith said defensively.

"Oh come on, Nelson is decent but even from the work he publishes, Shepherd is much better for the surgery," Cristina replied.

"Look, Nelson has been with CJ since we found it, and he is perfectly capable of doing the surgery," Meredith frowned.

"I am not going to push you but he needs it and I want my godson to have the best treatment," Cristina argued, she had a point though Meredith would never admit it.

"I don't want that many people to know, and Nelson doesn't socialize so he wouldn't tell anyone about it and we still have some time before it becomes too much of a serious issue," Meredith said before grabbing the phone as it rang. An incoming trauma was coming so paged the on-call neurosurgeon and got herself prepared in the bay. She waited as the ambulance pulled in and the doors swung open.

"What do we have?" She asked as she immediately jumped into action.

"Katie Bryce. 16 year old female, collapsed during gymnastics and was complaining with abdominal pain. She got a head lac from the fall and started seizing as we pulled in," one of the paramedics replied as they hurried into a trauma room.

"Page Neuro again," she said as she started to feel around her abdomen. She took a portable ultrasound machine and began to roam her abdomen.

"I'm here, sorry I was with a patient," the male voice said as he entered the trauma room.

"You should have came immediately, you were paged 911. Someone update him," she grumbled. She didn't know it would be him that would be here. She continued to do the work up as he was updated.

"She needs a head scan, to see if anything is causing the seizure," he said as he checked her pupils.

"She also needs to get to surgery as soon as possible, her gallbladder is very inflamed and on the verge of rupturing," she snapped back at him.

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