chapter 15

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Derek's eyes fluttered slowly awake. He felt the heat radiating from Meredith as she laid snuggled into his chest. He took a deep breath, taking in her scent. He enjoyed waking next to her every chance he was able to. He placed a kiss on top of her head before wiggling from her grasp. He put a shirt on before tip toeing down the stairs to the kitchen. He started the coffee maker and searched for ingredients to make breakfast. Her pantry bare besides some different types of children cereal and oats. He shook his head, chuckling. The patter of tiny feet came from the stairs and a bright-eyed CJ appeared.

"Morning buddy," Derek smiled at the young boy. His hair a complete mess, he smiled back up at Derek.

"Can you please get me a bowl?" He asked. Derek nodded and grabbed a bowl from the cabinet while CJ grabbed his box of cereal. Derek took the milk and pour it into a bowl after CJ had poured his own cereal.

"Thank you," he spoke as he munched on his cap'n crunch.

"You're welcome," Derek returned as he poured a coffee and got cereal for himself.

"Are you going to be my new daddy?" CJ questioned, catching Derek off guard.

"If me and your mommy get married I will be but for now, I am just Derek," he replied. He thought about marrying Meredith, he knew from the moment he met her that he wanted to spend forever with her. He wanted to grow old with her, watch their children grow up together and get married themselves.

His thoughts interupted with both Zoe and Scarlett emerging to get their own breakfast. Both looked to be still half-asleep.

"Good morning sleepy heads," he smiled at the pair. They both grumpily replied with a mumble.

"Can I go watch cartoons?" CJ ask. Derek nodded. He bolted while the girls quietly ate their breakfast. He took his and CJ's bowl to the sink, rinsing them and placing into the dishwasher. He joined CJ in the living room. He was playing with some of his toy trucks as the television played in the background.

He decided to go back to see Meredith. She still laid asleep, in the same position he left her. He shook his head, gently tapping her. He leaned down, placing a line of soft kisses across her face and shoulder. She grumbled slightly, rolling to the other side and burying her face into one of the many pillows.

"Will you get back in bed please,"she mumbled almost inaudible.

"No, the kids are up. Maybe we could have an outing together. Like to the park or zoo or maybe the aquarium," he offered. She shook her head.

"My bed is cozy, I would like to spend my day off right here," she rolled over and faced him. He smiled immediately, noting her morning beauty.

"Why are you smiling," she said sheepishly, covering up her body and became enveloped into the warmth of her duvet.

"I never knew someone could wake up beautiful like you could," he said charmingly, climbing into the bed on top of her. She squealed with laughter as he wrapped her up and kissed all over her face. They both fell back laughing, out of breath from the horseplay.

"I want to have a family day," he said, proving himself on his elbow as he starred at her.

"Fine. But we are going to the aquarium, the zoo smells so bad and the park is out of the question with the weather," she replied. A quick kiss on his lips before she rolled out of bed and began to get herself dressed.

"I made coffee," he called out to her as he searched for pants in his bag he brought over. He hated the over-night bag. He wished she could come to his home but it was much too small for the five of them. He went down to the kids to find them all playing together.

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