Chapter 4

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Meredith walked into the attending's lounge, the bags under her eyes very prominent as she just finished an 8 hour surgery. Cristina and Alex were sitting and discussing something when she came in. They both stopped and looked at her, a devious look upon their face.

"What?" Meredith asked cautiously. She knew by their faces they were up to something.

"The kids are spending the night with their grandparents, right?" Cristina asked curiously. Meredith stopped for a moment, her lips pursed as she thought for a second before answering her.

"Maybe, why?" She replied.

"Just curious," Cristina shrugged.

"What are you two up to?" Meredith asked.

"Nothing, I was just thinking it's been forever since the three of us just went out and had fun," Cristina replied.

"That's because I have kids and my husband died a few months ago. I haven't had time and I'm really not up for going out tonight so don't even think about it," she grumbled as she took a diet soda from the fridge.

"Come on Mer, it's been at least six months since we just had some fun. It would only be for a few hours," Alex begged.

"Fine, but only for a few hours," she mumbled, getting what she came for and started out the door.

"Be at Joe's in an hour!" Cristina called after her.

Meredith silently groaned, she didn't know why she had agreed to that but she knew Cristina wouldn't leave her alone if she didn't agree to it. She went into her office and grabbed her things before leaving. She went to her home and put her things on the kitchen table. She went up to her room and opened the doors to her closet, scanning all the clothes she had. She didn't want to dress up, she was exhausted. She also didn't want to look like she had just crawled from her bed. She tried on a few different outfits, deciding on her comfortable lavender sweater and skinny jeans.

She took one look at her bed, wishing she could crawl into it and sleep for the next twelve hours. She cursed herself as she left her home and drove to Joe's, being just in time to see Cristina walking from her car.

"Cris, wait!" Meredith called as she gathered her things and hurried over to her casually dressed friend.

"Wow, I thought you were going to dress up," Cristina nodded at Meredith's outfit.

"I'm not trying to impress anyone, I'm..." Meredith stopped herself from finishing the sentence. A small frown came on her face as she became silent.

"Mer, let's drink and forget,"Cristina said, grabbing her arm and dragging her inside where Alex was sitting at a table.

"Joe, give us a round of tequila!" Cristina yelled as she headed toward the bar.

"Mer, are you good?" Alex looked concerned of her face.

"Yeah," she nodded, not wanting to start that conversation. She didn't want to come but she always wanted to have a good time since she decided to come. Cristina came over with the three shots in her hand and put them on the table.

"Tequila, really?" Alex grimaced.

"Oh shut up you baby," Cristina smirked as she tipped back the tequila along with Meredith. Alex groaned before taking the shot also.

"I haven't seen you here in a while," Lexie smiled as she hugged her sister.

"I know, I missed Joe's. Sit down with us. Is Mark here?" Meredith asked looking around for him.

"Yeah, and so is Derek," Lexie said casually. Meredith silently groaned, every since she agreed to sort of be his friend, he would never leave her alone. Every time she saw him, he wanted to stop and chat. He would also occasionally bring her coffee in the mornings, along with cream and sugar which she never used.

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