Chapter 17

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"How can this happen?" Derek mumbled, running his hand through his curls.

"Derek, calm down. I know this is different and it will be an adjustment," she tried to calm his anger, he was very rarely angered at anything.

"He is my friend, I just want to kick his ass right now. I don't understand this at all," he shook his head.

"Derek, please don't be mad," Amelia rushed into the room, she had to stop and catch her breath as she looked everywhere for him.

"Look, first you come in this hospital and try to show me up then just three weeks later I find out you are screwing my friends now, just great Amy," he spat.

"Ok, no that is not-"

"Enough. You two are family. Look I know Owen is a good friend of yours and Amelia is your baby sister but don't bring her job into this. You both are equally amazing and your sister just wanted a better opportunity at this hospital. Now you can be mad over this Owen situation but not her bettering herself," Meredith interrupted the two.

"Not now Meredith. You don't get to speak," he shook his head looking at the two of them.

"You don't get to speak to me like that," she yelled before storming out the door, slamming it on the way out. Derek turned to Amelia in anger.

"You can't just come in here and ruin everything Amelia. You're a druggie, you don't get to just stand there and act all innocent," he spat at her.

"Don't you dare say that to me," she had tears in her eyes, "I was a child then. I have grown up, changed. You don't get to use my past to be mad and screw up your own life. I am happy, for the first time in a long time. I came here to escape the perfect Shepherd's as all of you put yourself out to be and you followed me. Don't get mad because Chief wanted better at this hospital."

She stormed off to the door, "oh and by the way, you don't even think of coming after my relationship when you can't even keep one happy," She said before slamming the door.

He grabbed anything he could find, slinging it across the room. He had screwed up, he overreacted and ruined every thing he had built in his short time in Seattle.


Meredith cried as she held her stomach, her very bloated bump. She hid it very well under her scrub top to be 7 weeks along. A small knock on the door before it opened.

"I'm sorry, he's an ass," Amelia said as she came into the room and closed the door.

"I don't understand," she shook her head. Maybe she was missing some piece of the puzzle that was there.

"Because you don't know everything. Derek has some dark secrets that he has hid very well, he just can be protective sometimes."

"What? Owen is a great guy, he has no reason to be protecting you?"

"That's not what he's protecting. He never told you?"

"Told me what?" Meredith said cautiously.

"He's protecting Owen. I have a history of going off the deep end and taking everyone with me," Amelia sighed.

"What do you mean?" Meredith was confused, she didn't seem like that kind of girl.

"After our dad died, I was different. When I became a teenager, I stole his prescription pad and to feed my opiate addiction. I overdosed and he found me. He tried to help but I wasn't ready. So I ran, and I got sober and things have been so different every sense then. He saved my life and I turned my back on him," Amelia teared up at the memory.

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