Chapter 11

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Meredith grabbed the last of her paperwork for the day, filing it in proper places. She took a last look at her phone, making sure there wasn't a call from her mother-in-law. She was grateful for Marie, she was so much help since Charlie had died. She was a retired nurse so she had nothing to fill her day and happily offered to watch CJ while he was still recovering and Meredith had to go back to work.

Meredith took her purse from her desk and started out the door, eager to get home. It was her first day back and CJ had only been out of the hospital for a week. Even though he was doing amazing, she didn't want to leave him. As she stepped into her car, she noticed her phone buzzing in her pocket. She looked at the caller and the butterflies in her stomach were fluttering.

"Hello?" She answered the phone.

"Hey Mer," he said, the nickname just coming naturally out of his mouth.

"What's up?" She asked, cranking her car and turning on the heated seat.

"Just wondering what you were doing tonight. Zoe wanted to come over and check on CJ and I thought I would ask," he said casually.

"Oh well I was going to go home and make dinner, you can come over if you want," she replied, the past week there wasn't a day he didn't come over just to stop by.

"Ok, see you in a bit," he replied and hung up the phone.

Meredith smiled as she drove the curvy roads to her home. She was a little shocked when Derek was already inside along with her mother-in-law. She parked in the garage and went around to the front door. She opened the door and she could smell some sort of food being cooked.

"Welcome home Meredith," Marie peeped from the living room, she was gathering her things to go home.

"Hey Marie, how was he?" She asked.

"Good. No problems, he is doing so well for just having brain surgery almost two weeks ago," Marie said, surprised herself with how well he was doing.

"I know. Thank you so much for watching him, I am off tomorrow but I'll see you Friday," Meredith smiled as Marie left. She then followed the smell into the kitchen where Derek was hunched over the stove, his arms moving as if he was mixing something.

"What are you doing?" She chuckled, looking at him.

"Cooking. You worked today, I didn't think you should have to come and cook," he replied with his McDreamy smile.

"You didn't have to," she shook her head, walking to him to see what he was cooking.

"I wanted to," he said, he looked at the doorway then back into her eyes.

Her breathe hitched into her chest as he leaned down and kissed her lips. It was quick, like the one at the hospital. Her eyes stayed closed as she just stood, unable to process it. She could feel herself craving his touch, his lips to be on hers. It was something she had never felt before. He continued to cook, pretending as if nothing happened. She started to say something but was interrupted when the girls came barreling into the kitchen.

"Is it done daddy?" Zoe looked up innocently at him. She looked so much like him it was uncanny.

"Almost, you and Scarlett need to go wash your hands," he said to them. They both went over to the sink and took turns washing their hands. Meredith went to find CJ and brought him into the kitchen, the girls were already at the table and both were just giggling away. Meredith fixed her kids and her herself plates while Derek fixed one for Zoe and himself. They all sat around the table, everyone got quiet while they were eating.

"Mama," Scarlett spoke softly, looking at her mother.

"Yes honey?" Meredith looked at her.

"I love you but Derek is a better cook than you," she smiled innocently at her mother. Derek chuckled and Meredith just smiled and shook her head.

"Thank you Scarlett," he said.

"Daddy is the bestest cook in the world, he learned from my nana," Zoe replied. They finished up heir dinner and the kids ran off to play. Meredith grabbed the plates and put them in the sink. She started washing them off and placing them in the dish washer.

"Let me help," he smiled as he reached into the sink.

"You cook, I will clean," she smirked and swiped his hand away.

"I made the mess," he replied.

"In my kitchen so I am obligated to help," she said and smiled up at him. She stopped and took a breath as his eyes looked deep into hers.

"Fine," he smirked and backed away.

"There's beer in the fridge in the laundry room," she pointed and he went to grab one.

"Are we going to pretend like that never happened?" She asked, referring to what he had done earlier.

"What? Me kissing you or you liking it," he smirked.

"It can't happen again," she said.

"Why not? Did you not enjoy it?" He raised his brow.

"My pace, remember?"

"You're right. I apologize," he said to her. They just stared at one another. In one quick move, he was pinned against the island and she was kissing him. His arms roamed across her body, under the hem of her shirt and all around her bare waist and stomach. She felt perfect under his touch.

She held his face as she was attacking his lips with hers. She felt his tongue slip across her lip and she gladly allowed him in. Her hands went from his cheeks through his perfect hair and around his neck. She slowly pulled away, looking deeply into his eyes. His usual bright blue eyes had turned a dark blue, lust filled his iris. They breathed heavily, still intertwined in each other.

"Slow?" He mumbled, chuckling lightly. She blushed and pulled away from him embrace.

"I sometimes have a hard time with impulses," she blushed, fixing her shirt from where his hands once laid moments ago.

"Mhm," he smiled, looking into her eyes. She shook her head slowly and laughed.

"It's almost bed time," she said, sighing as she knew he was leaving.

"It is," he nodded. She followed him to the living room and he got Zoe ready with her things. She instructed her kids to go upstairs and get ready for bed, they said their goodbyes to each other before CJ and Scarlett went upstairs.

"Goodbye Derek," Meredith smiled, staring into his eyes. She didn't want to say goodbye, his presence made her safe. She felt like she was home for the first time in a long time.

"Goodbye Meredith," he replied, giving her a longing look before he turned and went out the front door. Meredith slowly walked to the door, looking out the window as he got into his car. They locked eyes once more, both of them had a smile across their face as he slowly back out of the driveway.

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