"Come on Mills... It's fun!"

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This is long, so get your popcorn ready🍿
Millie: 17 years old
Finn: 18 years old
They are best friends in this
(ST doesn't exist)
"Finn... I'm not sure about this." Millie said as they walked up the front porch.

Finn laughed and stopped by the door.

"Come on Mills. It's gonna be fun!" He replied, while smiling.

"I guess... I'm just not used to parties like these!" She whined and crossed her arms.

Finn grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the big house.

"Finn! What the hell!!" She screamed and tried to get out of his grip.

"Sorry, just loosen up bit. Have a good time!! Please... For me?" He gave her big puppy eyes and she rolled her eyes.

"Fine... But i'll go find Sadie and get some food." She said.

Finn nodded and ran off.

She sighed and walked into the livingroom of the house.

It was enormous and her eyes widened.

People were either drunk, passed out or sucking face.

Millie gagged and scanned the room for Sadie.

She finally found her sitting in a corner kissing Caleb.

(Lowkey shipping Sadie and Caleb moahaha)

Millie cleared her throat loudly.

Sadie looked up and moved away from Caleb.

"Millie! Hey!"

They hugged and she took a sip of her red plastic cup.

"I didn't think you would show up." She tilted her head and Millie shrugged.

"Finn forced me to get in here!" Sadie giggled and they walked to the kitchen.

Millie, Sadie and some other friends was talking and having a pretty good time.

When the clock got close to eleven.

"Oh... Shit... Guys i should get home! Sorry!" Millie muttered and gathered all her stuff.

Everyone nodded and said goodbye to her.

Millie walked around the house looking for Finn, she wanted to ask him if he would like to walk home with her.

It was late and pretty dark outside.

She finally found him and groaned.

He was making out with a blonde girl, she was stupid looking with all that makeup on.

Millie grabbed Finn's arm and dragged him away from the girl.

"What the hell?" Blondie shouted.

"Sorry... But he is going home!" Millie answered and waved goodbye.

Finn was loosing his balance, but Millie didn't stop until they were outside with fresh air.

She turned to him and shook his shoulders.

"Finn? Have you been drinking?"

He sat down in the grass and shook his head.

"Of course n-not silly!" He looked up at the stars and Millie chuckled.

He was obviously really drunk.

"Finn... You're too young to drink!" She said and helped him stand up.

"I know, bad Finn!" He pointed at himself.

Millie just rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm.

They started walking home and Finn kept telling Millie random stories from his past.

She wasn't really listening until something caught her attention.

"I was actually really in love with Millie... In middle school... And I-I still am." He stuttered and trailed off.

He began to talk about planets, but Millie was still shook.

"Wait... Finn, say that again?"

"Jupiter had rings-" Millie cut him off.

"No! About you having a crush on Millie?" She asked and gripped his arm harder.

"Oh... Don't tell her..." He said.

Millie shook her head.

"I'm in looove with her... I really, really, really, really, really like her." Millie bit her lip and lost track of where she was going.

Finn almost fell, but she caught him.

"Ops... Sorry Finny!" She said.

They finally arrived at Finn's house and she walked him inside.

She had to make Finn walk really slowly and quiet, or his parents would wake up.

Finn lied down on his soft bed and Millie tucked him in under the blue covers.

"Are you okay?" She whispered.

"Hmm..." Finn was already falling asleep.

She kissed his forehead and turned off the lights.

"Don't be too hangover in the morning and... Millie says she likes you too."

A big smile appeared on Finn's face and Millie made her way home to her own house.
That's it! Hope you enjoyed it
(I'm gonna make longer chapters once in a while, but don't expect anything lol)
I changed the age in this, so i hope it's appropriate enough... Eh

~ Emily

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