"You're drunk..."

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"Coincidental (Part 2)" will be up soon, but enjoy this for now! Haha
This was requested by peachypromise
Thank youuu !
I hope you're comfortable, cause this is long:))
The house was filled with people, making the atmosphere thick and tense.

Millie took another sip from her red solo cup, as drunk teenagers kept dancing around her.

The liquid left a burning sensation in her throat.

She quickly stood up from the couch and pushed herself passed people.

She made her way to the hallway and breathed more easily in the less crowded space.

Millie pulled her short hair into a ponytail, the back of her neck already damp with sweat.

Closing her eyes, she leaned against the wall and let out another deep sigh.


In the distance she heard the familiar, unmistakable sound of Finn's loud voice.

She opened her eyes and found him walking down the hall towards her.

"Finn? What are you doing?" Millie asked, confusion written all over her face.

"Nothing baby girl..." Finn replied and grinned.

Taking her in his arms, he held her close and then planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Finn stop!" Millie quickly stepped away and bit her lip.

Finn let out a groan and slumped down on the floor.

He leaned against the grey wall and sighed heavily.

"What now?" Millie questioned and looked around to see if anyone had seen them.

She got no answer, instead the boy stood up straight in a fast motion.

"Mills!! You gotta see this!"

Her eyes widened at the thought of him doing something stupid or hurting himself.

"Look!" He kicked the air aggressively.

Millie grabbed Finn's upper arm to keep him from falling.

"Don't be an idiot Finn..." She muttered, not removing her tight grip on his shoulder.

Moments passed and she eventually looked down at the hard wooden floor.

Finn grabbed her waist before she had the chance to back away, and pulled her into his arms again.

Warmth invaded her cheeks and she giggled nervously.

"You're drunk..."

He pulled her even closer and kissed her neck softly.


Millie bit her lip and slightly tilted her head to the side.

His warm kisses trailed down her jaw, making her quiver at the touch.

Finn removed his head and spinned her around.

He snatched her shoulders and pushed her against the wall, his body close enough for their chests to brush when either breathed in.

Millie put her arms around his neck and hoped her heartbeat wasn't as loud to him, as it was to her.

Finn smiled as he leaned over to kiss her.

When his warm lips met hers, she returned the kiss passionately.

His breath smelled of alcohol, but she couldn't resist the urge to keep making out with him.

A few minutes passed and Millie finally caught her breath, staring up at him.

"Yeah! You go Wolfhard!!" Finn shouted, still slightly out of breath.

Millie glanced up and rolled her eyes.

"This was a one time thing... Ok Finn?" She said, her eyebrows raised in a silent question.

He nodded, eyeing her expectantly.

Millie opened her mouth to say something, but someone came running in.

"Hey Dude! What's taking you so long? Gaten got the beers!" Caleb shouted, while taking a few staggering steps.

"Just give me a minute!" Finn answered, but Caleb didn't budge.

"What's going on here?" He smirked at them, leaning against the wall.

"I said give me a fucking minute!" Finn shouted towards the dark-skinned boy.

Caleb immediately got up and took a sip from his beer bottle.

"Sorry man..." he walked out with a light chuckle.

Millie crossed her arms, raising her eyebrows.

"Sorry about that..." Finn muttered and held his arms out for her, waiting for her to hug him.

Even as tired as she was at this point, his arms were a welcoming haven.

"See you around..." Finn said, taking a few steps back.

Millie nodded, a small smile making it's way towards her lips.

She watched him stumble down the hallway,  running a hand through her ponytail.

"You're a great kisser by the way!" She heard his voice from the distance and laughed.

"Oh Finn..."
Sorry about the language in this... But it's just fiction:))
I hope you're having a great day soo far

~ Emily

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