"You're not impressed?"

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This is quite interesting... I'm not really sure;)
You can decide their age!
(Not as toddlers tho... Someone did that once and- Yeah)
They are close friends in this
"Wolfhard!" Someone shouted from the crowd, as Finn grabbed another beer from the floor.

He grinned and quickly cut a small hole into the beverage.

His mouth covered the area, chugging the whole thing in only a few seconds.

The dark haired boy quickly threw the can on the ground, raising his arms and getting a round of applause from his friends.

Millie smiled and rolled her eyes from her seat.

She sipped her beer slowly, not letting the alcohol get to her.

Finn high fived a few people, sitting down beside her on the black leather couch.

The smaller girl looked right infront of her, not bothering to make eye contact with the boy.

He raised his brows in confusion, putting his hand on her knee and squeezing it a couple of times.

She turned her head and chuckled.

"What? You want a goldstar?" She asked, while resting her hand on top of his.

"You're not impressed?" He said, removing his hand.

"Was that supposed to impress me?" She laughed through her words.

Finn rolled his eyes and opened another beer.

"You're such a cliché... You know that right?" Millie told him.

"You're a cliché!" he snapped, handing her another can.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance, taking a small sip.

"You do it then..." A familiar voice murmured, making Millie turn her head towards him.


"The beer thing... Do it yourself then!" Finn smirked.

"Okay." She said, getting up from the couch.

Finn nodded, a pleased smile spread across his face.

Millie grabbed a can, as everyone watched her grab the knife with shaky hands.

She acted confident around Finn, but has never actually done anything like this before. Ever.

She tucked a piece of brown hair behind her ear, getting very anxious about the situation she was trapped in.

The knife went into the can, creating a little hole.

"Shit." Millie muttered, as she saw the dark red liquid pouring out of her skin.

"What did you do?" Finn raised his voice, running towards her.

"Are you okay?" Someone shouted from the back and Millie just nodded.

A deep red color invaded her cheeks, as she quickly gathered all her stuff.

"I-I'm just gonna go..."

Finn grabbed her waist and Millie stopped in her tracks.

"You're bleeding Millie..."

"I'm fine." She whispered, already rushing out of the front door.

She walked as fast as she could, pressing her jacket against her bleeding hand.

The horrible pain from the cut and the freezing November weather, made it ten times worse than it already was.

The alcohol made her head ache and she wasn't sure if she wanted to scream or cry at this point.

Tears threatened to fall, but she wiped them away before they got the chance to.

Millie had to stop and catch her breath.

She settled down on a rock, big enough for her to sit on.

A loud thud from behind, startled her.

Darkness filled the streets and the sound only seemed to come closer.

The short haired girl swallowed, as she
squinted in the dark.


A taller figure ran over from the distance, shouting her name.

She didn't reply, just stared at the ground and sighed.

"Just go away Finn..." she muttered.

"No, I'm here to help." He flashed a genuine smile, kneeling down infront of her.

Millie's lip started to shiver and she tried her best to stop the tears, now escaping her eyes.

"It's okay... Give me your hand." Finn whispered, gently grabbing her wrist.

He examined the cut, wrapping her jacket tightly around it.

"I don't thing stitches is an alternative, but we should get home and let my mom check that out." He said and helped her stand up.

"I'm sorry..." Millie said all of a sudden.

Finn looked at her, confusion written all over his face.


She only grabbed his hands, letting it draw warmth to her cold ones.

"I don't know... For being such a boring friend." She slightly giggled, looking up at him.

Finn shrugged, while chuckling.

"That's just who you are... A cliche, little..."


He laughed, looking into the darkness.

"You don't have to prove anything to me, okay? It doesn't matter if you like parties or want to stay at home and do your homework. As long as you're happy."

Millie smiled at his words, looking down once again.

"I'm glad you told me this." She started, "...but my hand hurts so fucking much."

A heavy breath escaped her mouth and she giggled shortly after.

"Oh... Right!" Finn murmured and quickly grabbed her hand, walking in the direction of his house.
I enjoy making "party" one shots... It's v v fun!
Have a good night
I appriciate you soo much!

~ Emily

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