"Yeah... What she said." (Part 2)

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You wanted a part 2 on this... So I'm heree to give you that Hahah
I want my last chapter to be something special... Help.
"Favorite episode in season two?" Sadie read out loud, turning her head towards the others.

Finn ran a hand through his curls and Millie bit her lip.

"Probably The Secret Cabin..." She answered, earning a nod from the group.

Her head rested on top of Finn's chest, him almost fully lying down on the couch now.

Caleb yawned, resting his chin against his palm.

"What is-" Sadie started, but Finn cut her off.

"We're all kinda tired... Can we end the live stream now?"

Caleb and Gaten nodded.

Noah looked up towards the screen, checking the time.

"Wow. It's been almost 5 hours!" He raised his eyebrows, letting out a light chuckle.

"Well... Bye guys!" Sadie jumped up and Caleb flinched at her sudden movement.

"Goodnight dudes!" Gaten finished off, just as Noah pressed the end button.

Finn sighed out in relief, putting his arm around Millie's shoulders.

"You okay?" She spoke almost inaudibly, glancing up from under her brows.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." He whispered, studying her features.

Millie blushed, biting her bottom lip.

Finn traced his finger along her nose bridge and smiled.

She giggled and looked down into her lap.

She grabbed his hand, tracing small cirkles on his palm and playing with his fingers.

"Fillie..." Gaten muttered, adjusting his t-shirt.

Finn rolled his eyes and a small groan escaped his mouth.

"Anyways... Going to my trailer. Goodnight!" Caleb told them and walked towards the doorway.

"Bye chocolate-daddy!" Sadie shouted and smiled.

He smiled back and closed the door behind him.

(Cadie? Saleb?)

"I'll leave too. Goodnight!" Gaten said, getting several nods and 'goodbyes' from the cast.

"I'll actually join you on the way back!" Noah said, following the curly haired boy out the door.

Millie moved her head away from Finn's chest, forcing his arm away from her shoulders.

She leaned back on the couch and Sadie looked around the room awkwardly.

Finn sat up straight and put a hand on Millie's knee, looking down.

"So..." Sadie trailed off, looking at them.

Millie laughed at the girl sitting on the floor.

"Why don't you get a head start, I'll meet you in a minute."

Sadie nodded and made her way to the exit.

"Finally..." Finn muttered, just as the door closed shut.

He moved his hand to her face, slightly cupping her jaw.

Millie leaned closer, pressed up against him.

Their lips was just about to touch, thousands of butterflies forming in their stomachs.

"Hey Millie-"

Millie jumped away from Finn, as the familiar voice came from outside.

Sadie walked inside, phone in hand and glanced up at the flustered girl.

Millie swallowed and raised her eyebrows for her to continue.

"Whoa?! What did I miss?" The red
headed girl smirked.

Finn laughed, getting up from the couch.

He put the hood on and cracked a smile.

"We were just about to leave..." He looked at Millie, nodding.

She followed his actions, the redness fading away from her hot cheeks.

"Sure..." Sadie giggled, walking out of the room.

Finn quickly grabbed Millie's face and pecked her lips.

She blushed and opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"Have a good night Mills..."
I'm going to a football game tonight, so updating early!! Yay
Have a good night/day

~ Emily

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