"Date me?" (Part 2)

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Things will get complicated.
Part 2/3
Finn ran a shaky hand through his curly hair as he stood on Millie's porch.

"Come on... Be a man." He muttered under his breath.

His hand moved to the wooden door and he knocked a couple of times.

Finn took a long, deep breath and straightened his green shirt.

The door opened and Finn's mouth was left wide open.

Millie wore a black, simple dress with her short hair in a low bun.

Some of her bangs were left on the side of her face and she had a light makeup look.

Finn thought she looked beautiful.

"Hello Finn!"

He snapped out of his gaze and smiled.

"Mills..." He winked and Millie chuckled.

She closed the door behind her and they walked away from the house.

They wanted to go get some ice cream from a place, not too far away from Millie's house.

Finn wanted to take her to dinner, but that would be kinda weird for a 14-year old.

"You look good tonight!" Millie told him.

Finn flashed a smile, showing his white teeth.

"You too!"

It got quiet as they kept walking down the road in the dark.

Finn took a deep breath and grabbed Millie's hand.

She tensed up, but gave in.

They made their way to the ice cream place, still holding hands.

"What do you want? I'll pay." Finn asked Millie and pulled out his wallet.

"You don't have to do-" Finn cut her off.

"I asked YOU out, don't worry about it." He told her.

"I'll have the strawberry then!" Millie smiled and Finn ordered the delicious ice cream.

They sat down by a table in the corner and talked...

...Talked about acting, family, the future and life in general.

Finn could talk to Millie for hours and the other way around.

The two of them had a special connection, that they didn't get with anyone else.

Finn looked at his phone and gasped.

"It's already 10:30 pm, let's go!" He said fast.

Millie's eyes widened and she nodded quickly.

They ran home and stopped infront of Millie's house.

"I had fun tonight..." Millie said and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

Finn nodded and grabbed her hand without thinking much of it.

"Goodbye!" She turned around, but Finn stopped her from moving.

"Before you leave... I have to do this..."

He pushed Millie against the door and pressed his lips against hers.

She was shocked, but kissed back.

Finn broke the kiss and turned bright red.

Millie took a deep breath and looked down at the ground after the kiss.

"Was that okay?" He asked and squeezed her hand.

"Yeah, yeah..." She replied and cracked a smile.

Finn bit his lip and nodded slowly.

"Millie i-" she cut him off.

"I'll see you on monday... Finn."

She quickly opened the door and rushed inside.

Finn shut his eyes and cursed under his breath.

He made Millie uncomfortable and went way to far.

"You really screwed up..." Finn whispered under his breath and made his way home.
Hope you liked this chapter and is having a good day so far♡♡
(Part 3 will be up tommorow or friday!)

~ Emily

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