"It's cute... You want it?"

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I'm here again Yayayayayay
Millie: 16 years old
Finn: 17 years old
"This is fun..." Millie said and looked up.

"Yeah..." Finn muttered, interwining their fingers.

They walked through the carnival, taking in the view of colorful lights and the sweet smell of cotton candy.

"Oh my god. Look at that!" Millie squealed and pointet towards a bright yellow booth.

"What is it?" Finn asked, as they walked closer.

"It's that Eleven character I was talking about... from that show!" Millie answered, looking at the small doll wearing a light pink dress.

"It's cute... You want it?" Finn flashed a charming smile, as she nodded in excitment.

He grabbed a couple of dollars from his back pocket and put them on the counter.

"Three balls." He said.

A thin teenager with very long legs looked up from his book and sighed.

Finn scrunched his eyebrows together and looked at Millie, who was now giggling.

"Um... Please?" He spoke and the worker groaned.

He grabbed three pink balls and slowly put them infront of them.

"You have three tries... If you don't hit the target, you don't get the prize... Got it?"
He spoke in a monotone voice, leaning his elbow against the counter.

Finn nodded and grabbed one of the balls, gripping it tightly.

The ball went flying through the air, hitting the wall behind the red target.

"Fuck." He mumbled under his breath, picking up another ball.

He threw it towards the target, but too low this time.

It hit the floor with a thud, rolling away.

Finn bit his lip and turned towards Millie.

She covered her mouth, to cover up the fact that she was cracking up.

"Babe, I'm just warming up." He told her and she nodded, her shoulders shaking.

"This is your last try. No target... No prize." The teenage worker repeated himself, his eyes half open.

"No shit Sherlock!" Finn snapped back, gripping the pink ball in his hand.

He threw it with full force, the ball went flying towards the target...
...but it hit the wall behind it instead.

Finn cursed under his breath, looking towards the worker.

"This has to be rigged, I should be able to throw some little pink balls... This machine must be b-broken!" He told him, getting close to his face.

"Babe... It's fine." Millie giggled, grabbing his arm.

"No, it's not. I wanna try again!" He whined, glaring at the guy behind the counter.

He was picking his nose, not participating in their conversation at all.

"I'm sorry... I really wanted to get you that Twelve thing."

"It's actually Eleven... And let's not make this the cheezy 'win your girl a big teddy bear the size of a human' type of thing." Millie said, as Finn put his arm around her shoulders.

"Thanks Babe... Wanna get some cotton candy?" He smiled, as they walked away from the booth.

"Sure." She giggled.

"What a strange couple..." The teenage worker murmured and sat down in a wooden chair behind the counter, stuffing his face in a book.
Life update: I love all my teachers in all of my classes and I ate a lot of cake earlier... So life is great ya know

~ Emily

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