"I'm meeting your parents." (Part 2)

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schnappit wanted me to make a part 2... So here you go
Read the first part if you haven't!
"Just be yourself and they'll love you."

Finn nodded and his fingers found the door handle.

He took a deep breath, opening it.

They stepped inside and Finn took in the sweet smell.

It smelled like Millie and roasted turkey.
(Wait ? That's kinda weird)

"Millie? Is that your boyfriend?" A woman in her fifties walked towards them, looking at him closely.

He shifted his weight to his left foot and cracked a smile.

"Yes! This is Finn." Millie gave her mom a quick hug and let her shake Finn's hand after.

"I'm Finn Wolfhard, It's very nice to meet you Mrs. Brown!" He told her and she smiled.

"Hello, but call me Kelly!"

He smiled and Millie nodded in a way of approbation.

They made their way to the livingroom and found a tall man standing there, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hello sir! I'm Finn." Finn greeted Mr. Brown with a nervous smile.

"I see... So Finn? Are you willing to do anything for my daughter and never hurt her in any way? And only treat her with respect?" He had a stern look and Finn swallowed.

"Um... What?" He muttered.

The taller guy immediately started laughing, as Millie and Kelly did too.

Finn turned around and scrunched his eyebrows at them.

"I'm sorry Finnlard... I'm a jokester and you can call me Robert by the way." He continued to laugh, easing the tension in the room.

Finn let out a short chuckle.

"I'm sorry about him..." Millie giggled, grabbing Finn's hand "...let's eat."

They walked to a big room with a wooden dinner table and six chairs surrounding it.

"CHARLIE!!! AVA!!! IT'S DINNER AND WEAR PANTS!! MILLIE'S BOYFRIEND IS HERE!!!" Robert screamed, as Finn flinched.

Everyone settled down at the table, Millie beside Finn and Finn by her dad.

A small 10-year old walked into the dining room with a guy a little older than Finn right behind.

"Food!" Ava squealed, sitting down beside her mom.

Charlie sat down and eyed Finn suspiciously.

"You're the boyfriend?" He raised his eyebrows and Finn nodded.

"Yes?" It came out more like a question, rather than a statement.

"Nice to meet you Mate." They did a quick fist bump and Finn smiled in relief.

"Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?" Kelly whispered to her youngest daughter.

Ava looked up from her plate with a mouthful of bread in her mouth, slowly swallowing.

Finn sat there awkwardly, waiting for her to say something.

"I'm Ava..." she shyly told him, as he shook her small hand.

"Nice to meet you Ava. I'm Finn."

The little girl giggled and stuffed more bread into her mouth.

(I just sprayed some Mario Badescu rosewater in my face and it smells amaazing... Anyways)

Kelly grabbed a silver plate with slices of turkey on it and smiled proudly.

"So we have turkey, roasted brussel sprouts, potatoes and some cornbread. Just dig in!"


"Bye! It was nice meeting you!" Finn shouted, as he closed the car door and buckled up.

The Brown household waved and watched the car back out of their driveway.

Millie leaned back in her seat and turned towards Finn.

"How was it?" She spoke softly.

"They're really nice. Especially Ava, she is adorable!" He answered, looking in his side mirror.

Millie nodded and interwined their fingers.

"...But how was the dinner and stuff?"

He swallowed and slightly chuckled.

"I was very nervous..." He murmured.


Finn looked at her and raised his eyebrows.

"Was it that bad?" He asked, looking at the road again.

Millie laughed and shook her head.

"They didn't even notice, you did great!" She assured him.

He quickly pecked her lips and smirked.

"You're meeting my parents next..."
Someone told me I reminded them of Betty Cooper from Riverdale... Haha?
Good luck to everyone going back to school
I start tomorrow Ahhscebdkd

~ Emily

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