"It's beautiful, right?"

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Just pure fluff♡♡♡
Normal age or older (you decide)
They have feelings towards each other, But-
The cold air felt nice against his skin.

The sky so blue and the water so deep.

His hands were shaking and he wanted to throw up.

...In a good way.

Finn looked at the girl beside him, she was enjoying the sunset like he did.

Her short hair was in a low ponytail, with the reflection of the water in her chocolate brown eyes.

Millie was beautiful and he was really in love with her.

It had been silent for a while, the only noise came from their own breathing.

Everytime the sun went further down behind the surface of the water, Finn was closer to doing it.

He really wanted to, but did he have to guts to do it?

The peace dissapeared when Finn's voice broke the silence.

"It's beautiful, right?" His voice was low, almost like a whisper.

It was nice, making the vibe even better.

Millie blinked a couple times and nodded slowly.

"It really is..."

It got quiet again, no one or nothing made a sound.

Finn looked at Millie's hand lying between them.

He took this oppurtunity to grab it and squeezing it a couple of times.

She tensed up, but relaxed.

Finn felt his shoulders raise, when he remembered what he really wanted to do.

He wasn't sure...

His mind kept telling him not to, but his heart screamed yes.

The dark blue water, green trees and the blanket they were wrapped in, together.

The setting was perfect, he just had to do it.

...Now or never.

Finn slowly turned his head towards her, she turned around to face him as well.

He swallowed and put one hand on her cheek.

A smile appeared on her face as the sun was almost done setting.

He leaned in slowly and gave her a gentle peck.

Millie kissed back.

Finn felt a huge sigh of relief and smiled.

It was short and simple, but he couldn't have been happier.

He saw her in the corner of his eye and smiled.

That was perfect.
Have a good day/night everyone!

~ Emily

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