Chapter 3

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The party was out of control. I've never seen any of these faces in my life. Usually we see the usual wasted teens. This time they weren't the usually teens, they were faces I have never even seen before. I asked some and they said they weren't from around here. Which means these parties are going to be even bigger if people from out of state are coming.

The song Dark Horse by Katy Perry playing in the loud speakers, teens getting wasted, dancing on tables. There was only one person that stood in that crowd room, our target. I had to get her alone. I pulled out my phone and took a picture sending it to Ashton.

'Found our target. [photo attachment] -Bella'

'Where are you? -A'


'We're on our way.'

I shut my phone off and go near her, have to distract her in order to keep her in one place. I, just can't believe I found her so quickly. The music starts playing louder and I feel someone wrap their arms on my waist. I turn to see Ashton. I give him a quick nod and he makes his way towards her. They start talking but I can't hear a word that they're exchanging. They starts to walk away, when Ashton gives the signal. I run out the house and towards the head quarters, I type the password rapidly and get inside, all the other member already there. I tell them the plan and they all leave, while I stay her getting the weapons ready. 

I take the small knife and get it sharpened, then I get the torch ready, testing it a couple times to see if it really works, then  I take a whole bunch of other items for torture. This is going to be fun. I hear faint screams in the distance and muffled voices, a wicked smile appears on my face. I go towards the front and look at the cameras. I walk towards the door and open it, after everyone gets in, I lock the doors and make sure it's safe to start. Turning around I give them a nod signaling, it's time.

They let go of Ashton, since he had to pretend and be innocent. He gives her a wicked smile and her face shows a horrific emotion.

"I thought- What about the love we just made in that room. You said you loved me." 

I knew it was part of the plan and Ashton had to sleep with her, but I had a pang of jealousy. I walk up to her and smack her a couple of times, causing her head to go in different directions.

"What do you mean love?" I ask, laughing. "He doesn't love anyone but me, that is my husband you're talking about." I start laughing again and her eyes go wide.

"Well, what husband you have, he just slept with another woman and you do nothing."

I slap her again and again, Calum and Michael having to pull me away. I didn't care. This bitch thought she could just throw around word love and question his loyalty towards me. Right when Calum and Michael let go I ran back towards her, throwing punches this time. Ashton grabs my arm and pulls me off.

"You're lucky. I could kill you right now." I scoff.

"Will you do the honors m'lady." Ashton says, point a knife towards me.I gladly take the knife going towards her.

I circle her around, finally chosing were to strike first I lower the knife near her forearm. I dangle the knife close to her skin and move it back and forth.

"It would be a shame if it just slipped." I look down and drop the knife, stabbing her right near the wrisits. "Oops, it just slipped." I say and pout, she just glares at me.

"You're gonna have to try a lot hard, I've been stabbed with a knife there numerous of times, it's useless and not painful anymore!" She yells and spits in my face.

"You. Fucking. Bitch." I say wipping the spit off. I take a swing at her face, hear a bit of cracking.

"I'm done with this skank, make sure her death is painful." I command and take a seat in the once occupied chair.

I watch as a rope falls down from the roof, oh they're gonna hang her, maybe. They place her in the hole and lift her. They take this biggest knife we have placing it against her neck. "Good bye" is all they say and drop her, while another slits her throat. That's what the bitch gets. She didn't have to make this so hard.


Once that was finished we get to the party and start drinking away. Shots after shots, bottles after bottles. We were shit face wasted. I don't care, I needed this. Whiskey all over the kitchen counters, glass bottles shattered over wooden tables. Everyone was wasted, music blasting through out the house.

This party was different from all the other ones. I walk around the house with a red solo cup in my hand. I turn to the side to see some slut giving Ashton a lap dance. I march right over pushing her off and look at Ashton, giving him the biggest death glare. He grabs my handsand pulls me closer to him, but I yank my hands away and run up the stairs to the attic. I have no time for elevators. I jam the key in and unlock it running and slamming the door. I slide down the door, a couple tears rolling down my face. I wipe the tears and get up, I refuse to cry over someone. I lock the door and walk towards my wordorbe. I take my dress off and throw it some where, taking some yoga shorts, a muscle shirt, and pull my hair up in a messy bun, wiping away all make.

Next, going to the training side. I set up the punching bag and start throwing punches and kicks. I'm so done. I don't care if me and are together or not, no one, I mean no one gets in the way of my money. My phone starts to ring, over and over.


"Hello princess."

"Mom?" My eyes widen, no. This can not happen.

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