Chapter 22

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(Important news in the end. xx)

[ Isabella's POV ]

Once we all finished eating dinner, everyone headed to the backyard while I stayed back to clean up. I seemed to be the mother of every one. I clean for everyone, I make food for everyone, and I make sure people are doing what they are supposed to do. I really am a mother and I'm older than them all. I pick up all the plates that are placed everywhere on the table. They always made such a mess.

"You need some help?" A voice asks.

"Yeah sure." I say.

"So um, can you explain to me exactly what you do? Like I don't understand do you just like kill people for no reason, because I'm really confused." I hear the person say, I instantly knew it was Ange.

"Um, we are basically a business, people call us and tell us they need a certain person to die and we just do it. We aren't the ones in charge of the whole thing, there is someone higher above. If we don't do what we are told we might just get killed ourselves. It was simple when we were younger and but now it's impossible to get out of it. We are basically stuck in this." I explain as I clean the dishes.

"Oh okay. So basically it's against your will." She says.

"Basically. We have tried before but it didn't end well." I say.

"Oh okay, well we better get out there. Thanks for helping me understand all of this." She says as I put the last of the dishes away.

We walk out to the backyard to come in view with a bonfire going on. Ange goes to sit with Calum and I go and sit with Ashton. The night was nice and it was with all the people I enjoyed with. The night was only getting started it was barely 11 o'clock at night; we would be staying up past 12. The bonfire made everything look more peaceful with the stars in the night sky and people you enjoy being with, it was quiet the killer view.

"Guys this is really nice." Melissa breaks the silence.

"I would actually like to make a little speech." I start, "I'm glad to be here with you all. We have all been through so much but we stuck together through it all. I couldn't say I want it to be with anyone else, you all have kept me alive for so long even when I wanted to end it. Some of you are new to this little family we have created but that's okay because you still are part of this family and we hope you stick around for a long time because it would be different without you. That's all I have to say, thanks for accompanying us with your presence and I love all dearly with my black heart."

"Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy us being here and we love you too." Alex says.

We all sit in silence and enjoy each other while we have. Time was fast and we were going to take advantage of the time we have. We nearly lost each other many times before and we didn't want it to happen again. I couldn't lose any of them again because as much as I didn't want to admit it, they were the life in me. They kept me alive when I desperately wanted to leave. They were my brothers and sisters and I loved all these assholes.

"Okay y'all lets go inside and start this count down of the New Year." Ange says.

We all get up and get inside after turning the fire out. We get inside and go to the living room turning on the TV to the news. The countdown starts and we are all on the edge of our seats.

"10... 9... 8... 7..." We start.

"4... 3... 2... 1!" We all yell.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We yell hugging each other.

I might have gotten a bit emotional but this was a great time in my life to know that I lived long enough to experience. Times like this make me regret trying suicide instead of living my life. I'm glad I could live to experience this moment, I'm just happy to be here.

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