Déjà Vu

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Kellin's POV

I stared at the other boy, he must've been a Mexican, or a sexican by the looks of him. He looked familiar but I didn't no why. He was looking down at his shoes. His eyes were slightly red suggesting he had already cried and was now numb to the fact his parents were dropping him off at a hospital.

"What are you in for?" I asked quietly to the boy, he looked up lat me, "You make it sound like we're in prison." I shrugged, "Close enough." He gave me a weak smile, "Suicide. You?" I smirked, "Same here. First time here?" He shook his head.

This was my third time, second attempt at death, why did it evade me so?

"I hung myself, well tried too. my brother found me just before." I nodded, I had tried that too.

"I put a gun to my head but my moms boyfriend found me. That's me third try. I thought three time's a charm but I guess not for me."

Vic didn't looked at all shocked that I had tried to commit suicide before, in fact, he looked as though he expected that I had.

"How many times have you been here?" He asked, "Three, suicide attempt, eating disorder, and now, suicide attempt again." He nodded.

I was bored too, and I just wanted to go to sleep. It was around midnight that we both arrived apparently we both had thought no one would be awake at that time.

"My name's Vic, I've seen you around. You're always here when I'm here."

"Well I'm fairly local. I have been around. My name's Kellin by the way. And yeah, you look familiar kinda like déjà vu." He smiled at me, his smile was really cute. He was cute.

"Kellin, back again you idiot, you know the drill, to the hall for skin check. Vic your back as well? You two always get here around the same time." I gave Vic a wink and went down the familiar hall to the skin check room.

"Hey fuck boy. Long time no see. Oh wait, no, it's only been a month what happened?" Dallon was the favorite nurse, he was laid back and didn't give a shit of you broke the rules he even encouraged it sometimes, I rolled my eyes at him and slid off my shirt. "New scars, these are deep, what did you use?" I shrugged, "Kitchen knife." After he wrote that down I pulled my shirt back on and took of my pants so he could check that too. That part was never fun.

After that he gave me the room number and started looking through my bag for things with strings, holes, tassels, anything with metal or plastic and anything stretchy.

"Okay, go to the front desk and get the sheet thing that says stuff." I left and went to the desk, "Can I have the sheet that says the stuff." They gave me it and I filled it out, they had stupid questions like do I feel suicidal, do I want to self harm, do I feel worthless, useless. It was all stupid.

"Vic, your turn, go see Brendon." Vic got up and walked past me, I grimaced at him as he walked past. After a while he came back and got the sheet and we sat together, filling them out.

"I hate these tests. They're stupid. We already answered these when we got here." I nodded, it was stupid. I knew the drill well, Dallon walked up to the white board that said what rooms and roommates you had, Vic and I were sharing!

"Hey, dude we get to be roommates now." He smiled at me, "That's great, we can stay up late and annoy the nurses." I smiled, I liked Vic.

"How old are you?"
"Seventeen, you?" He answered quickly "Sixteen in April." It was May 17. (Cheers to the people who got that date)

"When's your birthday?" He asked
"April 24th, you?"
"February 10th." He nodded and went back to the sheet. After a while I set down my pencil, done. He finished a few minutes after and we turned them in at the same time.

"What room's ours?" The lady sniffed and pointed to the board, "You have eyes, see yourself." I rolled my eyes and looked at the board, 9. I hadn't had that room, "Have you had this room?" I asked as we left to put our things away and change into pajamas. "No, 1, 5, and 10." I nodded, "13, 7, and 6." We went to our room and I shoved my basket of clothes into one of the cubbies and grabbed some sweats and a hoodie, Vic did the same.

"Do you want me to turn around?" The last time I changed in front of my roommate they freaked out and said they didn't want to have sex with me, no shit, I wasn't asking.

"Only if you want to, don't really care." I nodded, "Cool, same." We changed, he had muscular arms that were like porn and his skin had no tattoos, the only piercing was the one on his nose.

"I like your tattoos dude, what does that one say?" He pointed to the one on my chest, "Before "you" I serve nothing" he nodded, "Are you religious?" I shrugged, "I believe there's a God."
"Are your against gays?" I shook my head, "Uh no, I'm actually gay..." I was afraid he'd be freaked out that we had changed in front of each other. "That's cool, so am I." I sighed, he wasn't freaked out that was good.

"I'm starving." I glanced at the clock outside our door, 1:09am. I  was hungry as well. "Lets go ask for some yogurt or something." He nodded and we went to the front desk, "I want cereal." The lady looked up, "Your hungry? When did you two last eat?"
"9:00." We both said at the same time. She rolled her eyes, "Let me see what we have."

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