Pillow Fight

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Vic's POV

The rest of the day was the same old thing, therapy, break, therapy, dinner, group, and then off to bed... for most.

Kellin and I stayed up most of the night talking about our therapy sessions and the groups.

"What did you and Ashley talk about?" Kellin shrugged his shoulders, "Not a lot, mostly he talked and i just listened. He talked about how suicide should never be an option, or I guess it is never the answer." I nodded, I had Ashley last time, he was nice and funny.

"What did you and Oli talk about? That's your counselor, right?" I nodded, "He asked if I felt like self harming or if I wanted to die still."
"What did you tell him?"
"I lied but he knew I was lying. He's good at knowing when people lie." Kellin smirked, "I'm a really good liar, I got out early when I had him because he believed me."

I was impressed, I considered myself a good liar but I couldn't ever fool Oli.

"You must be a good liar to fool him, he's wicked good at figuring out the truth."

"I know, but I've been lying most of my life. Ever since I was ten I learned that no one cares and I needed to get over it. So I did, I didn't care when they beat me and I didn't care when they said they loved me and that they were sorry."

I was so shocked that Kellin had been abused, I recalled the bruises scattered across Kellin's upper body when we changed but it had never occurred to me that they weren't self inflicted.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Kellin shrugged, "I told already told you, I don't care anymore. That way no one can hurt me."

We went to bed after that, according to a nurse it was 3:30 and "about fucking time". Kellin and I laughed and turned off the light, and went to sleep.

I woke up to a pillow in my face, I groaned and threw it back at the direction it came from and heard a soft thump and a 'hey' telling me I had hit the target.

"Go away Kellin, I'm sleeping."

"Not anymore."

"Thanks to you."

"You're welcome."

"Fuck you."

"Maybe later."

I sat up and threw my pillow at him but he caught it and threw it back hitting me in the chest. "Go away." I went back under the covers, "We have breakfast in ten and if you eat, I eat."

I groaned, "That isn't fair... fine." I sat up again and Kellin was already heading toward the door, I threw my pillow at him again and jumped off my bed out of the way as he threw it back.

"Missed me!" He tackled me, "Got you." He grabbed his pillow off his bed and hit me in the face, still on top of me. "Get off!" I shoved him off me and grabbed my pillow, I swung at him and missed but he got me.

"Stahp!" Kellin stopped and tried to hold in a laugh but failed miserably, "Dude, you have two black eyes."

"From loving to hard."

"Pillow talk."

I hit him and raced out of our room to the lounge before he could hit me back.

"Vic! Don't go running through through the hospital, you could knock someone over and that would not be good!"

"It wouldn't?"

"No, now stop being a smartass and go to the lounge."

"Thats where I was heading before you stopped me." The nurse, Brittney, glared at me and raised her hand, I knew she couldn't harm me so I stood there and stuck my tongue out at her before leaving.


"Bitch." Kellin was standing there, he'd been there the whole time I guessed as he had a stupid grin on his beautiful face.

"Aw thanks, you're not so bad looking either." He winked and pulled me to the lounge as I processed what he had said, "I said that out loud didn't I?"
"Yup." He popped the 'p' and kept pulling me towards the door to the lounge.

"God that's embarrassing." He laughed, "Nah, it was cute, like you." He winked and let go of my hand and sat down at our usual table. I sat down and opens our boxes of food, Kellin grimaced at the eggs, "Lets get cereal."
"Cereal killer."
"You know that's right."

We sat up and threw away the boxes and went to the cabinet where the cereal was, "Honey Nut or uh, ew, Raisin Bran." Kellin laughed, "Honey nut, the other stuff's gross."
"I know right? Who really eats that crap?"

"I do." Ray was the best nurse here, he was super relaxed and was okay with us breaking most of the rules, he even sneaked in some video games sometimes.

"Oh, okay that's cool." Ray laughed, "I'm kidding, that shit is nasty." He grabbed a box of cheerios and handed us two as well, "Kellin you need to eat two or you else can't do the exercise therapy."
"But Ray-!"
"No, you're underweight and need calories, calories are energy and you need energy."

"Fine." He took both the boxes and two milks and Ray gave me one, "I'll take two as well." He smiled and gave me another one. "You're a good friend and a good example."

I followed Kellin to the table and he smiled, "You got two too?" "That's what it looks like genius." I teased as he poured the cereal into the milk carton.

"Shut up."

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