Dec 21

6 0 0

Saturday Dec 21.

I know I haven't written in a whole week I'm sorry. Mrs. Mariano has been out for the week. I actually have to pay attention in genetics, because I have no idea whats going on. & I don't sit at lunch alone anymore.

Josh sits with me now. So yes he does go to my school. I still can't believe I've never noticed him before.

Actually thats I lie I can believe it. He's really hot but it's not obvious. I notice random little things about him that make him hotter everyday. Like yesterday I found out that he has dimples. There adorable.

I don't think guys like to be called adorable but oh well. Josh is adorable & amazing. 

I'd like to say that we're in love or dating or something, but its not like that at least I don't think it is. I'm not sure if I even like him. Sometimes I'm convinced that we're soul mates & are getting married. But other times he just seems like a friend. I have absolutely no idea whether he likes me or not. You'd think all the romance novels I've read would prepare me for this but no I'm absolutly clueless when it comes to guys.

I'm not really sure what I'm writing about today so I'll just say random stuff I guess.

Random Stuff

1.My mom still isn't back

2.That means she's been gone for 8 days

3.Josh smells really good.

4.I have no idea why I write when I have nothing to write about

5.I like to cook 

6.Eggs are my favorite food

7.This list is exactly how my brain works

8.My brain jumps from one thing to another

9.Maybe I have ADD 

10.Or ADHD

11.Whats the difference between the two?

12.Knowing me I probably have both

13.Great. my therapist already thinks I have OCD 

14.& an eating disorder

15.& some type of split personality disorder

16.But she can't prove that I have any of them

17.Even though I probably do besides the eating disorder

18.I have nothing to do today

19.I never have anything to do

20.I'm done. This is a long ass list & I've accomplished nothing 


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