Chapter 7: A Familiar Person

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(Y/n) Novus POV:

I opened my and I was in a gray void like place.

"Hello! Did I die? Is this my eternal punishment? If it is it's boring and can it be yellow instead?" I shouted to no one in particular.

"H-hello?" A voice said. I gasped it was a blue boy! I mean he is blue and sad but you know he's both! He has black hair with blue infront.White shirt with a blue overcoat. A blue vest and black dress pants and shoes. He had an upside down black triangle eyepatch on his right eye. He looked like he was about to cry. I felt a somewhat connection with him and I walked to him and hugged him. He was surprised and honestly I was too. It was really weird because he was taller than me and I needed to tiptoe to reach his shoulders. He hunched over and buried his face in my hair. He was warm and I felt comfortable.

"You're w-warm too," he said. I let go did he just read my mind?

"Yes I d-did. Please don't let go I feel better when you're d-doing that t-thing to m-me!" He begged

"You mean hugging?"

"Y-yes, the hu-hugging..." He stuttered. How cute!

He looked like he was 18 years old. He had pale skin that looked like he doesn't go out much. I decided to befriend him!

"My name is (Y/n) Novus!" I held out my hand

"W-Will Cipher!" He said and shook my hand. The name sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger in it.

"Oh yeah I-I almost f-forgot! You a-are asleep r-right now. You are about to wake up."

That caught me by surprise, " How are you here?"

"W-Well...I... am a dream demon!" He said. He looked down ashamed.

"Wow...that's cool!" I said. He was taken aback.


"I said it is cool you are not the only one with powers," I light my hand with right flames and extinguished it. He stared he was aftaid but kostly awed at my awesomeness.

"You're just like me and Bill!" He exclaimed

"Who?" I asked

"My brother! You guys have almost the same personality but the big difference is that you're sane and he is not!" He said excitedly

"O-okay..." Suddenly the void shook and it slowly disappears.

"'re w-waking up," he said sadly

"Will I ever see you again?" I said

He perked up and he snickered, he slowly was disapearing.

"In your dreams!"


I woke up in a bedroom that wasn't mine but it didn't matter all I could think of is Will. He felt like somebody from long ago and it was a coincidence that they were almost alike.

"Huh," I smiled thinking about him. I buried my head in my knees and cried.

"Big Brother Will, why did you leave me?"

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