Chapter 14: Secrets and Plans

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Will Cipher POV:

Wow... I was speechless. I stared at my master I was speechless. He wanted to date my sister?! Well... if he dates my sister she will be safe because Dipper will always protect her. Besides they will be a cute couple but it will be awkward.

"Master?" I said. He looked up his face still red with embarassment. Haha I wish I could take a picrture and laugh at it.

"Y-yes Will?" I gasped. He stuttered. Okay I will definitely get a video and send it to Bill. Well I'm nice so I would help him win my sister's heart because it needs healing from all these years I left her. But I would not guranteed that I won't have a minute of this.

"I will help you!" I declared. He looked up and smiled.


"Of course I would and you have my permission of course!"

Dipper Gleeful POV:

Will, will help me? Yes! I know it is embarrassing to ask from a servant but I would do it! I have a huge crush on her and I want her to be mine.

The Next Day...

(Y/n) POV:

I woke up and stretched my arms. I was still in Pacifica's bed. I got up and walked downstairs. I saw Bud cooking and Pacifica was on the dinmer table adding purple glitter on her pancakes. Gideon was buried in his book reading Journal 3. Pacifica spotted me.

"You're awake!" She yelled and tackled me into a hug.

"Y-yeah..." I gasped.

"Hey Paz, can you loosen up a bit? I know tou are relieved that she didn't die... but can you pleases not kill her?" Gideon asked without looking up from his book.

Pacifica let go and I felt the air return to my lungs. My stomach growled and the smell of pancakes was not helping.

"Oh my! I am so stupid!" Pacifica exclaimed.

"You just noticed it now?!" Gideon asked.

Pacifica ignored him, " You must be very hungry! I am so sorry how could I forget and you didn't eat last night too!" She exclaimed.

"Take a seat," She said and ushered me into the seat beside Gideon. Bud placed a stack of pancakes infront of me.

"This one is on the house kid. Next time I will charge you." He said

"Uncle Bud!" Pacifica exclaimed while Bud went to the living room.

"Well thanks anyway!" I said. I ate the pancakes at an incredible speed. Gideon sat there with his mouth open and Pacifica stared in amazement. Once I finished I sat back while the others were awestruck.

"There is no way you didn't choke." Gideon said. Pacifica bursted out laughing while I stood grinning. I put my hand behind my back and imagained a paper crown. It appeared and I put it on my head. It said "Pancake Queen". Pacifica laughed even harder and Gideon started to laugh.

"Bow before me my subjects!" I said. Rhey laughed even harder.

"Okay! Okay! But where did you get your crown?" Gideon asked m. I glared at him and he gave me a questioning look. I pointed to my crown and he finally got it. He rolled his eyes and bowed mockingly.

"I meant. Where did you get your crown? Your majesty?" He said. Pacifica giggled.

"Oh, Sir Butter that is a very long story!" I said. Pacifica couldn't stop laughing while holding her sides.

"Hush now! Madame Syrup, is that any way to act infront of your ruler?!"

We laughed for a few minutes until it died down. Gideon looked at me seriously.

"(Y/n), I'm serious. How did you do that?"

I breathed, and told the truth. " I found this amulet in the woods," I said and showed them the amulet. They looked at me worriedly and I continued.

"I used this amulet that has powers so I could escaped from the orphanage I told you about." I said pointedly at Pacifica. They nodded in understanding and got up. They hugged me and I hugged them back.

"It's okay (Y/n) we accept that you use that amulet but be careful many monsters may be out to get you." Gideon said.

"Don't worry I will be fine!" I reassured them with a smile.

"Thanks guys!"

"No problem, (Y/n)!"

That was one of the most happiest times of my life.

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