Chapter 13: Will's Backstory

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Dipper Gleeful POV:

Okay! First it was (Y/n) then this Bill guy?!

"You see we were-"

"Hold up!" I said and made a timeout sign I looked at Will.

"Do you have any more siblings I should know?" I asked.

He thought about it, "N-None Master!"

"Mother and Father?"

"I don't know but I think they are triangles too...?"

"As a matter of fact Will they were humans that loved shapes!" Bill intervened

"O-okay..." Will stuttered


"Umm... Tad Strange,"

"Describe him."

"He is purple and a square,"

"Do you guys really love Geometry that much?"

"Umm we don't know either but those are our forms..."

"Any other relative I should know about?"

They thought about it for a moment and Bill replied. "Nope that's about it!" He said cheerfully.

I sighed no more surpises and I gained some knowledge about this square purple demon guy.

"Go on with your story."

Bill cleared his throat, "As I was saying we were a normal family back then we were living happily until an epidemic broke out and took away our parents. We struggled to survive and we managed to get food on our plate everyday. I got food by making deals and bargaining with people. Will did it by helping others with their work while (Y/n) made friends and they gave her some food. One day I was going out to make a deal when I asked them to get wood in the forest. They agreed happily and left. When I got home they weren't there yet so I wondered where they were. I searched the forest for them and I couldn't find them. And then I saw a light and...and..." Bill trailed off. He was lost in thought that Will waved his hand infront of him and he didn't budge.

"Hey Cipher!" I yelled.No answer.



"Novus!" He perked up at the sound of his human name and turned red.

"DoN't YoU EvEr cAlL mE ThaT AgAin!" He aid as I slowly back away.

"We Are Beings of Pure Energy and we can do  emdless torture for you!"

"Okay sheesh. It seems like I hit a nerve."

"Nah it's okay...anyway back to the story!" Bill turned yellow again and smiled.

"I followed the light and saw them dead. Then I made a deal. The End!" He smiled and waved his hand dismissively. What he didn't tell me about why they were demons!

"Wait! You didn't-"

"Remember Reality is an Illusion the Universe is a Hologram! Buy Gold! Bye!" He said and in a flash he disappeared. I looked at Will who had a sad expression.

"The past really got to him..." He said shaking his head sadly. I looked at him and he looked back.

"Well?!" He flinched.

"W-What Sir?"


"Umm... continue what sir?"he was so stupid. Seems like not all "beings of pure energy" are smart.

"Your backstory!"

"W-Well I didn't agree to it but since Bill started I should finish." He said sadly and started to speak.

"I don't know anything about Bill even though he is my brother so I'll just tell you all the things I know. As far as I know we are not his "real siblings" we just resemble them and act like them so he believed we are reincarnations of them. That was what he told me anyway." He looked at me and I tapped impatiently for him to go on.

"Well I will begin at the time our parents died. My parents didn't leave us any money so we were left to fend for ourselves. I couldn't let (Y/n) live in the streets so I looked for a job that will give me alot of money." He stared at the ceiling as if it was gonna continue his sad story. He sighed.

"I had no choice but to go through illegal means."

"Drug Dealing?" I asked.

"Oh hell no! I would never do a thing like that!" He exclaimed while waving his hands but he looked away guiltily.

"I meant killing people..." He said softly. I froze I never thought Will would go through does means just for his sibling.

"One day, I was on a mission for this group and I successfully killed that corrupt politician. I was about to leave when one of the people that came with me aimed a gun and me. He said, " Sorry but this needs to be confidential." You know what came next..." Will said trailing off. My hand burst in flames what I hate more than the Pines is betreyal. Will bursted into tears and I comforted him.

"T-Thank you..." He said and sniffled.

"I forgot what happened next but I remember making a deal with Bill and ended up here in Reverse Falls, Oregon."

"Oh that's all?" I said a bit dissapointed.

"Yeah s-sorry..."

"No!" I startled with Will and lowered my voice.

"I meant no... But I wanna ask you one more thing..." I said and felt the heat rise to my cheeks at what I was abou to say.

"What is it?" He asks curiously.

"How...(Y/n)...with me?"


"How do you make (Y/n) fall in love with me!" I yelled then covered my mouth. Will sat there with an unreadable expression.

I Will Never Let You Go (Dipper Gleeful X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now