Chapter 16: Behind the Scenes

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A Few Hours Earlier...

Dipper Gleeful POV:

"This is stupid!"

"C-come on Dipper! It's not that hard!"

"How about you try it! And you need to remember I'm your MASTER!" I emphasized the master part but Will just rolled his eyes.

"Just try it..." He sighed. Will is also getting tired of me. I know all you people out there saying, " Hey it's the Great and Handsome Dipper Gleeful! He is so confident and can get any girl!". I know that is very true and thank you for all my fans out there! But it is very difficult for me to court somebody. All women know me for being a flirt and playboy. Which I am proud of. But if I act like that infront of (Y/n). I am sure she will not take me seriously.

"Hey (Y/n)! You look nice today!" I smiled it felt like it was real. Will shook his head.

"She won't like that..." Will said

"What?! Says her brother that left her for five years!" Will looked hurt and I realized what I said.

"Oh... Will I'm sorry..." I started to apologize but he waved it off.

"N-no it's fine... let's go back to practicing."

We practiced for a few hours and Will groaned and got tired of me.

"You look like a person who is just kidding around with somebody."

"Oh yeah! I wanna see you get a girl! Using 'your way'," I quoted my fingers. Will grinned.

"You wanna bet?"

"Of course!" Will grinned and shook his head.

"You underestimate me Dipper Gleeful."

"I dare you to get 10 girls' numbers in an hour!" I yelled.

"I can do 20," he said that infuriated me.

"Oh yeah? I like to see you try!"

"Yeah I like to see you fail 'Master'," he said in a taunting way.

"You. Me. Mall now!"

A Few Comebacks and Snazzy remarks later...

We arrived at the mall and we went to the Gravity Falls foodcourt. There were a few girls there. One group with 5 girls that look like they were Mabel's friends were chatting by the wall. There were a couple of groups like the in the booth and near the bookstore.

"One hour." I said.

"Deal!" Will said and headed to the group of snobby rich girls.

Will Cipher POV:

I am so gonna win this.

"Hey ladies!" I said to the group of girls. Others looked and blushed while their leader was busy. She was eating chocolate probably given to her by her boyfriend.

"Leave us dork!" One said while blushing at me.

"Oh but I need you guys to help me!" I said in fake hurt.

"What is it?" One asked.

"I am making a phone book but I neeed your numbers." I said. Some giggled while others blushed darkly.

"Beat it loser I already have a boyfriend." Their leader said.

"I have a math test." I replied.

"What does that mean?" She asked. I looked at her quizzically.

"I thought we were listing things we can cheat on?" Other girls laughed while their leader blushed darkly chocolate in her mouth. I stepped near her so close that we could be kissing.

"You like sweet things?" I asked." well would you want to taste me~" She blushed as red as a cherry and looked away. I smirked I win this round.

30 minutes later...

Dipper Gleeful POV:

You've got to be kidding me.

He got 37 phone numbers from girls and some guys!

Okay! You're the expert Will...

Will walked over to me with a smug look.I bought him a blueberry cheesecake and blueberry smoothie.

"Okay, what now, 'Love Expert'," I asked. Will grinned.

"Now, 'Master' you need to learn puns and jokes,"

Back to the Present...

(Y/n) looked at me and was blushing wildly. She hasn't said anything yet. I felt crestfallen does she hate me? Did I do something wrong?

"(Y/n)... I-"



"I said I will go on a date with you Gleeful" She said louder and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back . I asked Will.

'How did you know this would work?'

'I learned from my best skeleton friend. You could say he was 'humerus',"

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