Chapter 19: Please! I am Fabulous!

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Dipper Gleeful POV:

I looked at the annoying dorito chip infront of me.

"Cipher..." Bill rolled his eyes and transformed into his human form.

"I heard that!" He said. I was puzzled.

"Heard what?!"

"I am not a Dorito!" He said as he puffed his cheeks. Will burst out laughing.

"Yeah you're not." I said. Bill wore his usual smirk.

"You're just an oversized nacho." I followed. Will couldn't take it and fell to the floor. Bill was mad.

"Hey! I could kill you with a snap of my fingers! I can! Will stop laughing!" Bill screamed while pouting. Will was on the floor trying so hard to breathe.

"Ha-ha. Oh my gosh Bill...*huff* you're face.*gasp* I can die happily now!"

"Hey you need to help me with my outfit!"

"Nah, Bill can do it."

"Wait outfit?" Bill asked.

"Yeah why?"

"You summoned me to get you ready for a date?! I am a being of pure energy! Not a designer!" Bill yelled and snapped his fingers. He disappeared in a flash.

"I told you it was a bad idea." I told Will. He just rolled his eyes and held up his hand.

"What?!" He let down one there are four left.





A bright light filled the room. Out came a man wearing a long sleeved plain white shirt. He had a checkered patterened scarf around his neck. He had brown pants on and black dress shoes. He had a belt around his waist with a buckle that read, Graduate of Fantabulous First Class Top-of-the-Line Fashion University. He had on dark tinted shades and his golden hair was slick to the side. His style was that of a "cool guy but not trying too hard" one. He looked like one of those models in fashion magazines.

"Now I am!" I gasped it was Bill.

"What the Fu-"

"Language dear."

"Don't call me that!"

"Now let us decide on what you will wear!" He exclaimed and dug into my clothes. I looked at Will.

"You knew this would happen didn't you? Savage Will..." Will looked offended.

"I did not! I thought he would just kidnap a fashionista and ask him to do it. Not become one himself."

"Wow nice..see what it got us!"

"Well look at the bright side! You have a personal designer!"

"That is a demon and can kill me in his sleep. Yeah that is cool."


"Argh!" We heard a frustrated yell coming from the other side of the room. We ran over to Bill and he was throwing my clothes in frustration.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Bill glared at me.

"Every single outfit is the same!"

"Well duh, it's basically my trademark."

"You have no other clothes!"

"Well I have the sweater-"

"That was Will's outfit! It doesn't count."

"Umm... Let's go to the home of fashion!"


"My house!"

"Do you even know fashion." Bill rolled his eyes.

"Bitch please! I am fabulous!"

Bill teleported us to the mindscape.

"But the time!"

"It's my mind basically time stops when we are here."


"Well now all the problems are gone." He snapped his fingers and hundreds of clothes appeared around them.

"Let's do this!"

I Will Never Let You Go (Dipper Gleeful X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now