Chapter 22: First Day as a girlfriend

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(Y/n) POV:

I was woken up by sunlight peaking through my window.

"Why world? Why must you be cruel to me..." I said while covering my face with my pillow. Then I remembered, Dipper, the date, my answer. I threw up the covers.

"I love you world!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I dashed down the stairs and into the kitchen. I was about cook breakfast when I remembered.

'Duh, I have powers!' I thought and poofed up pancakes. It felt lonely here in my house so I called Pacifica.

"Hello? Pines Residence."

"Hey Pacifica! It's me (Y/n)."

"(Y/n)!" She screamed through the phone and I had to put some distance between me and the phone.

"I was wondering if you guys could come over for breakfast. It's pretty lonely here-"

"Sure! We don't want any Bud cakes right now. It has his hair in it." Pacifica shuddered.

"Oh, okay! I'll wait for you here!"


"What?" I asked Pacifica.

"How do we get to your home?"

Oh. I just shrugged.

"It's a mansion in the middle of the forest. I am pretty sure that it won't be hard to miss."

"Sure!" She said and hanged up.

I poofed up different types of pancakes. Strawberry, Blueberry, Chocolate, Vanila many flavors because I don't know which one they will like. I set three plates on one side of the table and one at the other side for me. I realized that I was in my pajamas and I quickly changed my clothes. Yellow shirt and a black mini-skirt with black overalls. My hair was tied in pigtails with yellow ribbons. I sat on my living room couch and waited for them patiently. Thirty minutes passed then another thirty minutes and another. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and walked outside. Did I ever mention that I am incredibly impatient? I surveyed my surroundings, peace and quiet. I made flames appear in my hands.

"Well not for long." I thought. I threw the flames at the trees as I laugh maniacally.

"Ahahahahaha!" I laughed while watching the forest burn.

"(Y/n)?" I stopped setting fire to everything and spun around. Pacifica, Gideon and Bud stood there in slight fear. My new boyfriend, Dipper Gleeful was standing beside them wearing an unreadable expression.

"Huh? Oh, Hi guys!" I waved and noticed that my hand was on fire and I quickly hid it behind my back.

"W-what are you doing?" Gideon asked while the others just stared.

"Firework practice!" I said cheerfully as a tree fell to the ground behind me.

"Using the trees?" Pacifica questioned.

"You gotta admit they need color! Brown is so yesterday! I was thinking yellow would be a nice change maybe blue!"

"Yeah, I suppose brown is a little boring..." Bud agreed. I grinned and teleported behind him and put around his shoulders.

"Atta boy! See, Bud agrees with me!" I said and scared th poor man half to death.

"You okay, (Y/n)? You're acting a little on the crazy side." Dipper said.

"Never been better, Devil Star!" I said and nudged Dipper.

"Oh, okay?" He asked. I just laughed maniacally at their expressions. They looked at each other in concern and asked me to calm down. O did and it actually felt better.

"Sorry guys...just went crazy for a minute there." I apologized.

"It's okay you probably were impatient because you waited for us for almost 2 hours. It would drive anyone mad." Dipper said. I beamed at him.

"Thanks Dip!"

"No problem." He said and blushed. He brought out some flowers.

"For you, milady."

"Wow...thanks." I took it from him and inhaled its scent.

"Well would you want to come in or not?" I asked and they all went in. They ate pancakes and complimented my 'cooking'. Dipper smirked at me because he sensed the magic but he said nothing. Soon, Bud excused himself because he was gonna run the shack. We spent the rest of the day hanging out and telling stories. It was one of those happy and normal days. Well it would have been normal if it weren't for the ice cream shop incident.

It was perfectly normal no one would have thought that anything can go wrong. We were ordering our ice cream when a group of girls entered and crowded Dipper. I would have not cared when one girl lip locked him. Pacifica and Gideon were shocked an I feel my flames in my hands. The other customers noticed but the girls didn't. Pacifica and Gideon did and tried to calm me down but how could I? She was messing with MY boyfriend. I used my powers to levitate her to me but it seemed as if my power was to great that objects started to float around me. She and her group were so scared.

"YoU BeTTer ScRaM!" I said in my distorted voice. They immediately dashed out of the shop and there was silence. I turned to Dipper he had an awestruck expression.

"As for you!" I yelled and teleported him and me out of the shop and into my mansion. I kissed him hungrily. He kissed me back.

"Wow...(Y/n) I never thought you would be overprotective." Dipper said.

"Well of course! You are my boyfriend! You asked me to be your girlfriend and you are in control of this relationship. Although it is true that I am Yours it is also true that You are Mine." I said and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and mine on his neck. We pulled apart.

"I love you Dipper Gleeful." I whispered to him.

"I love you (Y/n) Novus." He whispered back.

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