Chapter 10: Confrontation

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Dipper Gleeful POV:

"Will Cipher"

(Y/n)'s voice still rang in my ears as I rode home. I couldn't help but think about that name. That one name that could change everything and my chances with her. My limousine stopped infront of our mansion and I walked towards the basement. I heard sobbing echoing through the corridor. I smirked Mabel just finished her "playtime". I walked to the wooden door and opened it with a "Bang!". A sobbing heap was on the floor. The supposed to be brother of (Y/n) Novus. His clothes were ripped and had bloody whip marks on them. His face and hair was covered in blood. He looked up at me with bloodshot eyes.

"M-master?" He stuttered. I huffed in frustration I have to be kind to him now?!

"Clean yourself up!" I ordered. He looked at me and nodded. He snap his fingers in a blink of an eye his clothes and face were fixed. He looked as good as new. I snapped my fingers and we were in the living room. We sat across each other a small table in between us. It was complete with a tea set of course and I began sipping mine. Will looked uneasily at it.

"What you don't want tea?" I asked politely.

"Y-Yes S-Sir I m-mean, N-no S-sir..." He stuttered too afraid to look me in the eye. Haha! Just like how a servant should be but what luck for me that I have to befriend this filth.

He finally looked up and look me in the eye.

"W-what d-did you c-call me for? S-sir?"

Now for the big moment. The time of truth.

"What do you know about (Y/n) Novus?" His reaction was priceless. I should have taken a photo. He looked at me like I took all hope from him. Like a just found out about his big secret. Which I just did.

"W-what about h-her?" Will asked. He acted like he doesn't know anything but I can see worry in his eyes. I smirked.

"What your relation you have with her and about your pasts."

Will looked around like somebody will save him. I smiled I have one this round.

"I-I'm s-sorry I-I can't give you that information!" He said while looking scared but determined. It caught me by surprise Will never talked back to me or ever disobeyed any order. I praise his sudden burst of confidence but it will just waste time.

"Just Spill It Will!" I said my hands bursting in flames.

"N-no way!" He stuttered and stumbled back. He fell of the chair.



"Who else am I gonna ask?!"


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