Chaoter 9: The Tale of A Broken Family

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Dipper Gleeful POV:

"It all started on a sunny day. The sun was shining. The flowers were growing. The birds were chirping. It was a good day to die."

(Y/n) began the story with those words.

"We were not a rich family but a regular normal and happy family. My father was an engineer and my mom was a teacher. We used to live in an old apartment on the third floor. During the fated day my mom and dad had a fight which was weird because they rarely got into a fight. We were going to a park when they started fighting. They didn't hear the horn and we crashed into a bridge. My brother who was 9 years old back then got me and we swam to the surface. My parents were not so lucky."

She sobbed a little and Pacifica pulled into a hug.

"We were in the custody of the police. We soon escaped and we were in the poorhouse for a while when my brother got a job that earned him thousands per month!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

Oh no. I thought I have a guess of what his job did. I asked her.

"Did he do drugs?"

She shot me an angry look. "He would rather die than do any of that!"

"O-okay," I said

"Let her continue Dipper!" Pacifica shouted

"Fine! Continue (Y/n)."

"He always has been there for me and I loved him so much. But there was always an imperfection in a perfect being. He was always covered in blood and bruises when he got home. I always tended to his wounds and when I was done he leaves money for my school needs and food. He leaves again and the next day he comes back in the same state."

(Y/n) sighed and looked up tears in her eyes.

"One day he went home not covered in blood. He smiled at me and said, '(Y/n),your big brother found a high paying job! We will live in a mansion! With servants and dresses!' He exclaimed with a big smile on his face."

She turned to us with a huge smile on her face.

"He stayed true to that promise! After a few weeks he picked me up from the poorhouse and we gave a few money to them and thanks for taking us in. We moved to a new homewith a nice maid named Mary and we were happy and contented."

Pacifica hugged her tightly as she began to tear up again.

"But alas all good things come to an end. After two years of joy the fated day came. Mary and I were playing in the mansion and the doorbell rang. I got up excitedly and dashed to the door. I expected my brother to greet me but instead I was greeted by a tall man in a trench coat. He gave me an envelope and told me to read it inside. I closed the door and me and Mary went into my room and we read the letter.

Salutaions Ms.Novus,

We are sorry to inform you but your brother died in a mission for our company. We really are sorry for your loss. We hope you will do better in the future your brother had high hopes for you.

Good day to you,
ILLusion MIning NAtive indusTry Inc."

She brought out the note and gave it to Pacifica. She shook her head. Pacifica handed me the note I read it and I could feel anger surge through me. I noticed a staple mark at the corner.

"What was attached here?" I asked

"A check." She replied

"How much?" Now it was Pacifica's turn to ask

"One billion dollars," she said with no emotion.

It was silent for a few moments.

"Y-you mean the n-number with 9 zeroes on it?" Pacifica stuttered

"Yes I mean 1000,000,000 dollars" (Y/n) replied

"Holy crap! You're a rich kid like Gleeful! Maybe even more!" Pacifica shouted

(Y/n) shook her head. " If I was that rich I wouldn't have lived in a rundown orphanage."

"Mary supported me and helped me store all the money in the bank. She was the one who knew the code to it. She helped me get over the loss of my brother by tending to me caring for me and she was by my side always. She was like a big sister I never had. I took a short trip for awhile and left her alone in the house. But I wish I didn't."

I gasped "She stole your money and riches from you oh she is gonna PAY!" I said making blue fire appear in my hands. (Y/n) shook her head.

"Woah Gleeful. Take a chill pill. Let (Y/n) finish." Pacifica said.

"Fine," I grumbled.

"The night before I came back robbers entered the house. They somehow knew about the money so th-they..." (Y/n) sobbed. I hugged her and she hug me back. "They tortured her and she didn't give up the code. She stayed loyal to me until the end. When the police found her body her face was calm and she was smiling. Her last entry was this:

Your brother was the beginning.

I was the third

The second was what you both had in common

# The last were my favourite siblings in the world"

"It was supposed to be the code to the safe but I coudn't decipher it!"

"It's okay, (Y/n) she probably thought you could solve it easily." Pacifica said reassuringly

"Yeah and it is a little embarrassing because my parents loved codes. My brother was good at them too."

"What is the name of your brother?" I asked

"Will Novus" she replied

"Novus is that Latin?" I asked. She giggled.

"You're just like Gideon!"

"I wouldn't want to be compared to that brat!" I snorted

"Don't speak to my cousin like that!" Pacifica scolded

(Y/n) laughed it's nice to see her smiling again.

"Yeah whatever!"I replied

"Yeah and my last name is latin so when I turn it to english it will become Cipher!" She laughed. Cipher... Wait what. I froze as realization occured to me.

"S-so your brother will be?" I asked afraid and excited about her answer.

They both looked at me like I was stupid and laughed.

"Oh Gleeful are your brain cells dead? If (Y/n) Novus will be (Y/n) Cipher. Will Novus will become..." Pacifica started but (Y/n) finished.

"Will Cipher!"

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