Chapter 21: Explanation

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Dipper Gleeful:

I am so dead.

I am screwed.

One thing was for sure Bill is mad. He slowly walked towards me flames in his hands. Will and him seemed to have teleported inside. Will looked apologetically at me but Bill was mad.


I backed away slowly. I am not stupid I know Bill is a lot powerful than me but I will not give up.

"What Cipher?" I asked.


"So what?" I said cooly. Seriously? What is wrong with me dating with his sister.


"Why? What's wrong if she is my girlfriend? If anything I healed her heart from the pain you caused!"

Bill stopped walking towards me and looked down. The flames extinguished and he looked like I just stabbed him in the heart. I realized what I said and looked at Will. He looked hurt because what I said. I immediately felt guilty. Ugh! Why do I feel guilty?! I am heartless! Well maybe for...(Y/n) but no! Dipper Gleeful does not feel sympathy for anyone! Especially Demons! I apologized.

"Look guys I am sorry...but Bill you gotta give me a chance!" I pleaded. Yes me, Dipper Gleeful pleading. I don't need your retorts people out there!

"He is right Bill! Give him a chance and stop being an overprotective brother." Will followed. I smiled at him.

"F-fine!" He replied and smiled. He then crossed his arms and glared at me.

"But if you break her heart..." He suddeny turned Red and into a more beastly form.

"YOU WILL FACE ETERNAL TORTURE!!!" He said hands ablaze. He went back to normal and smirked.

"Okay?" He said sweetly. Will and I were sweating heavily.

"Y-yes Sir!" We both said at the same time.

"Good!" He said and got something from his coat. He pulled out a pocket watch and looked at it.

"Oh look at the time! It's time to visit someone special to me!" He said cheerfully and put it back. Everything turned gray as the winds howled and Bill slowly levitated. He took off his hat and bowed. He put it back and smirked.

"Remember! Reality is an Illusion! The Universe is a Hologram! Buy Gold! Bye!" He said as he vanished into nothingness. I sighed.

"I thought I was gonna die!" I said.

"Me too!" Will said. I stared at him.

"I thought demons couldn't die?" I asked. Will shrugged.

"Remember the phrase anything is possible?" He asked.


"Well if anything is possible than the impossible is possible!" He said. I facepalmed.

"Will stop please. Just stop."

(Y/n) Novus POV:

I closed the door behind me and breathed heavily. Did that really just happen? No his is a dream. Dipper Gleeful did not just become my boyfriend.

"It's not real." I said out loud. I summoned some water balloons and git myself with it. It felt cold and real.

"It's real..." I said. I screamed. Pacifiva came running down the stairs along with Gideon and Bud didn't.

"W-what?!" Pacifica exclaimed and pulled out her grappling hook. What the Bloody hell?! Why does she have a grappling hook?! Gideon was holding the Journal and was muttering something and balls of fire appeared around him. Oh, it was a deadly fire spell...what?! They posed like they were superheroes about to engage in battle then they noiced it was me.

"(Y/n)!" Paz yelled and was about to tackle me into a hug when I backed away.

"You were about to kill me!" I exclaimed. Pacifica just shrugged and Gideon dismissed his fireballs.

"It was nothing!" She exclaimed.

"I am not stupid Paz! Even though I usually am!" I replied.

"Okay! We're sorry! Safety precautions! And use your commom sense (Y/n) you are a magical being with strong powers! If you are powerless, then I will go burn my journal!" Gideon exclaimed. I suddenly felt embarrassed.

"O-oh yeah... I forgot..." I muttered while rubbing my neck. There was silence for a while till Paz broke it.

"Well! Let bygones be bygones! Tell us about your date (Y/n)!" She exclaimed. I took a deep breathe and covered my ears. I motioned for Gideon to do the same and heseemed to have gotten the message and covered his ears also. Then I spoke the words that will spread destruction throughout Reverse Falls.

"I got a boyfriend." I said. Pacifica was awestruck for a moment and screamed. She was probably heard in California or maybe Alaska. Our ears hurt and finally she stopped. There was a soft ringing in my ears when Pacifica hugged me.

"I am so happy for you!" She exclaimed and fangirled.

"Y-yeah..." I muttered. I peaked over her shoulder and saw that Gideon fainted. I shook my head. We talked about the date till late at night and Bud said I should go home. I said my goodbye and teleported to my home. I snapped my fingers and got in my pajamas. I rested my head on the fluffiness of the pillow. Today was a pretty eventful day. I looked at my necklace and immediately thought about my brother.

"Big brother Will, if only you could see me now." I close my eyes and fell asleep.

The night was silent. Creatures of the night were moving in the trees. The moon was full shining its moonlight on the forest. A figure in blue can be seen sitting on one of the branches. He looked at the sleeping figure sadly.

"I am always watching (Y/n)..." He said. One might pass by and look at him staring at the window. Like a person watching their love one. Though if you blink then you would never had thought anybody was there.

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