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A/N: Oh look another book, whaaat? I just love writing scomiche!!

This is a book that is going to be based off of 'Chances' which is a one-shot from my scomiche one-shots, though it won't be the exact same plot hence the arranged marriage part but hopefully you guys will still like this :)


"Why do I have to marry some random Alpha?" Mitch asks, huffing angrily as he crosses his arms against his chest as he stands in front of his dad. "Why can't I marry who I want to marry? Maybe I don't even want to marry at all. I just want to be independent."

"That's out of the question. You're marrying an Alpha. We want grandchildren and we've already talked with Scott, and he also wants children so it's perfect!" Mike, Mitch's father, says.

"Haven't you ever heard of a thing called adopting?" Mitch asks.

"No, Mitchell. Everything's already been set up. We're literally at your wedding right now. You need to stop stalling and put on your suit," Mike snaps as he takes Mitch's suit off of the rack.

"Ew. I hate wearing suits! Why couldn't I have worn a dress or something?" Mitch asks.

"Because men aren't supposed to wear dresses," Mike scoffs.

"So, not only do I have to marry some random Alpha but now I can't even be myself?" Mitch asks, throwing his arms up in defeat.

"He's not some random Alpha. He's a friend of the family. You know who the Hoying's are, we've been to their house for dinners and party's many times before," Mike says.

"You mean Scott?" Mitch asks, his eyes widening. "We hate each other! He literally hates me!"

"He's not gonna hate his husband,"

"Wife," Mitch corrects. "God, why can't you just respect me for who I am?"

"Mitchell, that is enough. Get in your damn suit before I force you in it myself," Mike growls.

Mitch whimpers and he quickly grabs the suit from him, before rushing into the bathroom. Mitch likes to be sassy and stand up for himself as much as he possibly can. His parents are used to him giving them attitude and he likes to cross the line. But Mitch knows when his dad is angry and he doesn't like to mess with his angry father, that usually results in a punishment.

Mitch may be sassy and has attitude but he knows that he'll never be able to defend himself alone with an Alpha because he's very fragile and small. This is one of the many reasons why he's worried about having Scott Hoying as his Alpha.

Scott likes to pick on Mitch and make his life a living hell whenever they're together. They just don't get along well with each other at all. Scott is practically the complete opposite of Mitch.

Scott is very active and very social and likes to be around people.

Mitch is very shy when he's around people he doesn't know and keeps to himself.

Scott and Mitch won't be a good fit and Mitch knows this. This marriage is going to be a disaster.

Mike sighs and runs his hands over his face. "Why couldn't he have been an Alpha?"


Standing at the altar, in front of his and Scott's friends and family is nerve wracking. He really doesn't want to go through with this marriage but he has no other choice. He's an Omega. There's nothing he can do.

"I do,"

Mitch takes a deep breath as he looks up at the tall blonde standing in front of him. Tears instantly start forming in his eyes but not because he's happy. No, because he's scared.

"Oh look, Mitchell is going to cry!" Mitch hears someone say. Probably his mother. If only she knew.

"I-I do," Mitch finally says after pausing for a second.

"You may now kiss your husband-"

Mitch cringes at the word but he doesn't say anything.

Scott cups Mitch's cheeks with his hands and kisses him lovingly. This is the only time Scott has ever shown any kind of affection towards Mitch and will probably be the last time.

They're in front of family and close friends, of course Scott's going to pretend to be nice to him.

The wedding finished and Mitch is now a Hoying, however he kept his last name.

Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi-Hoying. Mitch wishes he could be excited about this marriage.

"Scott, wake up," Mitch says as he shakes Scott a few times.

The wedding ended late, as Mitch and Scott stayed at the after party to see family and friends. Of course they had their first dance which had been pleasantly nice. They danced to Halo by Beyonce because it is a song that Scott and Mitch both liked surprisingly. Mitch learned Scott is a huge fan of Beyonce.

Scott's eyes slowly flutters open. He rubs his eyes tiredly before sitting up, and then looks over at Mitch.

"Did you just call me by my name?" Scott asks.

Mitch looks up at him. "I... yes," he says quietly.

"Don't do that again. You'll call me Alpha or Sir, got it?" Scott asks.

"Yes Sir," Mitch answers quickly. Scott is not his Alpha. He'll never call Scott his Alpha.

Mitch may be against a lot of things and he fights for Omegas rights, but he knows that Alphas are supposed to take care of their Omegas and protect them. Scott will never do either of those things because for some reason he hates Mitch with everything he has in him.


Mitch sighs as he slips out of bed in the morning. He takes a shower before heading downstairs to start making breakfast. Of course Scott is somewhat of a traditional Alpha. Mitch honestly could have been stuck with worse but Scott doesn't do punishments (unless necessary) which is what Mitch is grateful for.

Mitch has to do chores but that's not any different from what he did back at his family home.

Mitch knows how to cook and clean and take care of himself. He doesn't like taking care of an Alpha that wants absolutely nothing to do with him. Why should he do something when Scott does nothing?

"What are you doing?" Scott asks when he walks into the kitchen, as Mitch is setting the table.

"Making breakfast, what does it look like I'm doing?" Mitch sasses.

"Lose the attitude," Scott snaps. "It's way too fucking early for this."

"Pretty sure you aren't supposed to swear in front of Omegas, Sir," Mitch snaps back.

"Pretty sure you aren't supposed to tell me what to do in my own house," Scott sighs.

"Well I live here too now so it's not just your house anymore," Mitch says.

"Who's the one paying for the bills to keep this house running?"

"Your parents," Mitch argues. He gasps when Scott starts walking towards him and he quickly backs up into the cabinets, trying to get away from Scott but Scott grabs him by the shirt to stop him.

"I don't do punishments but I will change the rules if you don't shut your mouth," Scott growls.

Mitch stares at him with wide eyes, not saying another word.

"And here I was going to try to be civil with you on our first day as a married couple in this house and you've already gone and ruined that so congratulations," Scott scoffs and turns around. He grabs one of the plates off of the kitchen table and walks out of the kitchen without saying another word.

Mitch can't help the tears from falling out of his eyes.

Why did his parents force him to marry this Alpha? What did they see in him?

Oh right. Now Mitch remembers. Scott's acting skills.

Mitch takes a deep breath as he sits down in one of the chairs but he doesn't eat. He doesn't think he can eat after the incident that just happened with Scott. Though he's sure this won't be their last argument.  

scomiche; arranged marriage (omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now