twenty four.

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A/N: Maybe one day I'll learn to write smut. Today is not that day.


Mitch squeals excitedly as he sits on the bathroom toilet. "Alpha!" He stands up and runs out of the bathroom. "Alpha!" He looks around and then he runs down the hallway to Scott's office. He doesn't even knock on the door, and he pulls the door open as fast as he can so he can run into the office. He looks up and sees Scott on the phone but he doesn't care. "Alpha!"

"Shh!" Scott looks over at Mitch and then points to the phone.

"But, Alpha! Look!" Mitch runs over to Scott to show him the pregnancy test but Scott turns away from him, not even bothering to look at what is in Mitch's hands.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that again?" Scott says, completely ignoring Mitch.

Mitch frowns as he watches Scott, and slowly turns around, and walks out of the office. Scott usually never ignores him like that, even when he is on the phone. It kind of hurt Mitch to be ignored like that, especially when he had been so excited about showing Scott the pregnancy test results. He's probably just overreacting but he doesn't care.

"Hey Mitch, what's up?" Avi asks when he sees Mitch walking out of Scott's office.

"Nothing," Mitch mumbles as he looks down at the pregnancy test in his hands.

"What's that?" Avi asks as he walks over to Mitch.

"Pregnancy test," Mitch sighs as he hands it to Avi.

Avi turns the pregnancy test around in his hands, and then his eyes widen when he sees that it says positive. He knows how hard Scott and Mitch have been trying for a baby. "Mitch! Congratulations!"

"Well, I'm glad someone's excited," Mitch says before taking the pregnancy test back from Avi.

"What do you mean?" Avi asks, frowning as he looks up at Scott. "Have you told Scott?"

"He was too busy on the phone to care. He ignored me. What kind of Alpha does that?"

"Babe, he's probably just busy. I'm sure he didn't mean to ignore you," Avi says.

"I want to go lay down," Mitch says quietly before turning around and walking down the hallway.

Avi sighs. "It's always something," he whispers before going to Scott's office. He knocks on the door before walking into the office. Scott is still on the phone.

"I'm sorry, can I call you back later?" Scott asks. "Great, thank you. Bye." He hangs up and then he looks up at Avi with an annoyed look on his face. "Okay, this better be important. I thought we talked about interrupting me during calls?"

"I think your Omega being pregnant is more important than any phone call," Avi says.

"What?" Scott asks as he drops his phone onto his desk.

"Mitch is pregnant," Avi confirms. "That's what he was trying to tell you."

"Fuck!" Scott yells before running out of the office. He doesn't waste any time in running around the house to find Mitch before he ends finding Mitch in his bedroom. He runs into Mitch's bedroom and looks up... only to find Mitch sitting on the bed with the pregnancy test tightly in his hands.

Mitch doesn't hear Scott walk in, so he lays down on his side and sniffs a few times.

Scott frowns and walks over to the bed. He climbs up onto the bed and pulls Mitch into his arms.

Mitch gasps and looks up, relieved to see that it's Scott. "Alpha! You scared me!"

Scott chuckles. "I'm sorry sweetheart," he says before gently squeezing him.

scomiche; arranged marriage (omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now