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A/N: I don't know what this mess is but I wanted to update so here you go.

Also, if anyone has any scomiche one-shot ideas for me, hmu >>>>


Mitch groans as he wakes up in the morning. He looks over and is surprised when he sees that Scott's lying next to him, and he happens to be- oh no, this doesn't look good at all. Mitch prays they didn't have sex last night. He's pretty sure he would have remembered. He wasn't even drunk.

"Shit, shit, shit," Mitch curses as he pushes himself up.

Scott shuffles around in his sleep before slowly waking up. "Mitch? You awake?"

"What are you doing in my bed?" Mitch asks, his eyes wide as he stares at Scott. "Why are you shirtless?"

"Why are you panicking? It's too early to be panicking for anything," Scott groans.

"Did we have sex?" Mitch asks, ignoring what Scott said.

"What?" Scott asks, now fully awake. "Why would you ask that?"

"Because you're in my bed and shirtless!" Mitch exclaims.

"I got hot in the middle of the night and took my shirtless, and you asked me to sleep with you-"

"I don't remember asking you that," Mitch frowns.

"You were really sleepy last night. You just wanted some protection, which I don't blame you considering how our dinner went yesterday. Maxwell ruined it and all," Scott scoffs.

Ah yes, now Mitch remembers. He remembers Maxwell ganging up on him at the restaurant and then he and Scott had to leave early because neither of them were comfortable being near Maxwell. Mitch had been so freaked out last night that he asked Scott to sleep in his bed with him so he wouldn't be alone.

They didn't have sex. That's a huge relief.

"Why are you freaking out about having sex? Would you have been ashamed if we did?"

"Well, no. I wouldn't mind having sex with you. It's just that I would rather have sex with you when I would remember it the next morning. I don't want to be drunk and have a one night stand with you," Mitch says.

"Oh, that makes sense. It's only ten o'clock in the morning and we're already talking about sex,"

Mitch smirks. "I bet you've thought about having sex with me before, haven't you, Daddy?"

"Mitch!" Scott squeaks, sitting up with wide eyes. "Don't say that!"

"Come on, I know I have thought about having sex with you. I'm a small twink Omega. What Omega wouldn't want to have a big Alpha like you on top of them?" Mitch asks.

"Stop it!" Scott orders. "That's not fair, you know I had a crush on you when we were little-"

"And I thank you for telling me such a secret," Mitch laughs.

"Fuck you. I hate you so fucking much," Scott groans.

"You've got a little problem there, big Daddy," Mitch giggles.

Scott looks down and blushes. "You know- I think Kevin should be making breakfast," he says quickly before sliding off of the bed and quickly walking out of the room.

"I want eggs and pancakes!" Mitch shouts after Scott. He smiles proudly. He's never talked like that to an Alpha before but it's kind of fun, and it's the first time he's been able to "joke" with Scott without either of them arguing with each other. He thinks they could make their relationship work... eventually.

And now that Mitch is thinking about it... maybe he does want Scott to Mark him.

Thinking about another Alpha, like Maxwell- Marking him makes him scared and gives him anxiety. He wants someone he can trust to Mark him. And so far, Scott is the only Alpha that he trusts... even if it's just a little bit of trust. Mitch can't even believe he's thinking about this.

A lot has changed with their relationship in such a short amount of time.

Mitch manages to take a quick twenty minute shower and gets dressed for the day. He climbs into bed again and then he decides to get onto his laptop. He doesn't really browse the internet much but he's bored and there's not much to do really, despite the fact that this house is huge.

"Breakfast, your majesty," Scott announces as he walks into Mitch's bedroom.

"Thanks Daddy," Mitch smiles as he looks up at Scott.

"Is this going to be a new thing now? You calling me Daddy?" Scott asks.

"I don't know. Do you like it?" Mitch asks curiously.

"It kind of weirds me out, if I'm being honest," Scott says as he places the trey on the bed, next to Mitch.

"Why does it weird you out?" Mitch asks, raising his eyebrows.

"You calling me Daddy? That's gross," Scott makes a disgusting face.

"No, kink shaming is gross. Don't kink shame," Mitch warns.

"Whatever," Scott chuckles and shakes his head. "This is not how I thought my morning would start."

"Well, I didn't think a shirtless Alpha would wake up next to me so we both got a surprise this morning,"

"You liked it and you know it," Scott smirks.

"I never said I didn't like," Mitch sticks his tongue out at him.

Scott smiles at how adorable Mitch is. "I'm glad we're finally getting along,"

"Me too. It's nice not arguing with you all the time,"

"It's been going on since we were little kids, but we're teenagers now. We need to grow up-"

"Growing up sounds boring. I'd like to be a teenager while I can," Mitch says.

"Says the one who tried to trick me into having unprotected sex," Scott mumbles.

"I heard that," Mitch snaps as he glares at Scott. "That was my mistake."

"I'm sorry," Scott quickly apologies. "I hope we can continue to get along."

"I hope nothing ruins it," Mitch replies with a shrug.

"Don't jinx us!" Scott sighs. "I really want to try. I want our marriage to work out."

"I know, me too. And it will work, eventually. It'll just take time,"

Time, and a whole lot of patience. Scott isn't a very patient person, but he'll do anything for Mitch.  

scomiche; arranged marriage (omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now