thirty two.

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Mitch has isolated himself once again, keeping his distance from any and all Alphas, including his own. He hates being alone but he's having a hard time being able to trust anyone these days.

The only people he really says anything to these days are Kirstie and Kevin. Mostly Kevin, as Kevin checks on Mitch every day and makes sure that he's eating.

Kirstie is four months pregnant, which means Mitch would be nine months pregnant and having the babies if he were still to be pregnant. It's all that he can think about and it's driving himself crazy. Being isolated is not helping him either. He misses the comfort of his Alpha.

Mitch slowly opens the door to Scott's bedroom. He peeks his head in and bites his lip nervously when he sees that Scott is asleep on his bed. Mitch doesn't want to wake him up to him, this is an emergency. He hesitates before walking in and quickly crawls onto the bed.

Scott makes a noise though he doesn't move or open his eyes.

"Alpha," Mitch says in a small voice as he crawls over to Scott.

"Five more minutes, mom," Scott mumbles as he turns on his side, his back now facing Mitch.

Mitch whimpers and shakes Scott a few times. "Alpha!" He says louder.

Scott immediately turns back around and looks up at Mitch with wide eyes. "Mitch?"

Mitch's lips begin to tremble as he stares at Scott.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Scott asks, immediately pushing himself up and pulling Mitch into a hug.

Mitch sobs as he buries his face into Scott's chest, holding onto him tightly.

Scott's still confused, as he hasn't seen Mitch in months, though he's not complaining. Of course, he's seen him around the house but Mitch avoids talking to him at all costs.

"Mitch, sweetheart... talk to me, what happened? Did you have a nightmare?" Scott asks.

Mitch shakes his head and sniffs a few times. "B-B-Babies," he cries.

"Babies?" Scott asks, biting his lip nervously. "Wh-What about them?"

"Born... t-ttoday," Mitch sniffs, wiping away a few tears.

"Oh no," Scott whispers, wrapping his arms around Mitch and pulling him onto his lap. "It's okay. I'm here." He can't even imagine how Mitch must be feeling right now.

"Y-You h-haven't been," Mitch mumbles as he nervously looks up at Scott with sad eyes.

"Babe, I have been. I've been here this whole time. I promise you. You're the one who's been pushing me away," Scott sighs as he looks at Mitch.

"Oh," Mitch frowns as he looks down at his hands but Scott gently lifts Mitch's chin up with his finger.

"I understand with everything that you've been through but I just wish that you would realize that I'm not like any of those Alphas that hurt you. I would never dream of hurting you like that. I mean... I know that I picked on you when we were little but this is a whole different story," Scott says.

"Alpha, I know that but this isn't easy for me. I-I went through a lot when I was with... him," Mitch sighs.

"And I want to be able to help you. I hear talking through your problems is the first step to recovery,"

"Did Kevin tell you that?" Mitch asks, raising his eyebrows

"Damn right. Kevin is the smartest Beta I know so if he says something then it must be true," he says.

Mitch giggles, sniffing a little bit afterwards.

"It's good to hear you laugh," Scott whispers as he gently kisses Mitch's forehead. "I still feel like shit for not being able to protect you. You have no idea how much it haunts me."

"Maxwell planned this... whole thing. You didn't know,"

"But I knew that he was coming to get you. He fucking offered me money-"

"He did that?" Mitch asks, frowning as he looks up at Scott.

"Yeah. He offered me over one hundred thousand dollars but I declinced of course. My Omega is priceless," Scott smiles as he looks at Mitch. "I'd never give you up for any amount of money."

"Oh," Mitch blushes a dark shade of red and buries his face in Scott's chest.

Scott laughs and gently squeezes Mitch, holding him tight. "I'm sorry I haven't been there for you..."

"Alpha," Mitch mumbles, already knowing where this is going.

"No, I need to apologize. You lost the babies and I haven't been there to support you. We shut each other out completely and we shouldn't have done that. You needed me and I wasn't there for you again," Scott takes a deep breath. "I keep telling you that I'll be a better Alpha but I keep fucking everything up."

"Nobody's perfect," Mitch whispers. "It's not like I hate you or anything."

"You don't?" Scott asks, his eyes lighting up instantly.

"You did everything you could. Maxwell just... he overpowers you. He overpowers any Alpha. Please. C-Can we talk about something else. Please-" Mitch begs as he starts breathing hard.

"Shh, shh. It's alright. We can talk about anything you want," Scott whispers as he gently rubs Mitch's back to try and calm him down.

"I just want to cuddle," Mitch mumbles as he hugs Scott tightly. "I need to take my mind off of..."

"You don't have to say it. And, I will always be here for you if you need a cuddle," Scott smiles.  

scomiche; arranged marriage (omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now