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A/N: Guys!!! Thank you so much for 15k reads already!

I love reading your comments on this story <3 I'm glad you guys like it. If there's anything you want to see in the future for this story then be sure to comment >>>>


Mitch sits on the couch for about an hour before he finally gets the courage to find Scott. He surprisingly finds him in the kitchen though there is an empty glass of wine in front of him.

"Alpha?" Mitch asks nervously before hesitantly stepping into the kitchen.

Scott glances up but he doesn't see anything when he sees Mitch.

"C-Can we please talk?" Mitch asks, taking a deep breath.

"There's nothing to talk about," Scott mumbles as he leans back in his chair.

"Alpha, please," Mitch begs before walking over to Scott. "I want children... I really do..."

"I don't want to hear this, Mitch. I already know what you're going to say," Scott snaps.

"But we shouldn't argue about it," Mitch snaps back. "Why can't you just respect my decision?"

"Mitch," Scott warns as he finally looks up at the Omega.

"No, I'm tired of this!" Mitch yells as he stomps his feet. "We can never agree with anything even after all this time we've been getting along with each other. If just one little thing goes wrong then we just yell at each other. I'm only sixteen, not even in school and I'm still fucking stressed. I just want to be able to live my life before I have to give it up. I can't even be excited about the thought of children anymore because you-"

"Are you finished?" Scott asks as he stands up from his chair.

Mitch looks up at him and glares at him. "Ugh, I hate you!" He yells as he hits Scott's chest before running out of the kitchen. He runs up the stairs and goes straight to his bedroom. He slams the door shut and locks it. Mitch grabs a back and starts packing his clothes. He's uncertain if he's going to runaway or not right now but if things don't get better between he and Scott then he'll have no other choice.

This is not how he wants to live his life. Why have an Alpha that doesn't respect him when he can probably find someone else who will respect him and won't argue over every little thing.

Or maybe he doesn't need an Alpha at all. Mitch can care for his damn self.

And Mitch doesn't care about the arranged marriage. He'll leave if he wants to...


He doesn't want to. Mitch wants to stay with Scott but their relationship just seems hopeless.

Mitch packs a bag of everything he'll need and sets his aside.

Mitch takes a deep breath as he sits down on his bed, and prays things get better.


Things did not get better. Weeks pass and Mitch is slowly driving himself crazy. He feels himself drifting apart from Scott and he hates it because they were bonded and he can feel what his Alpha is feeling. It's not nice. They hardly have spoken to each other since their last argument.

Mitch had hopes that things would get better and they didn't. He tried to talk to Scott multiple times but Scott avoids him and pretends he isn't even there. Scott drowns himself with his work in his office and avoids Mitch like the plague which hurts Mitch more than he'd like to admit.

Mitch furiously wipes at his eyes before grabbing the bag he packed weeks ago.

Mitch has been planning on leaving the past couple of days but he wanted to wait one last time.

Mitch makes his way downstairs once he's sure that Scott's in his office.

Mitch looks around the large house before walking to the door.

"Going somewhere?"

Mitch jumps at the sudden voice and looks over, his eyes widen when he looks up sees Scott standing on the staircase. He made that Scott hadn't been around to know that he's leaving.

Mitch takes a deep breath as he stares at Scott. "Would you care if I left?"

"Are we going back to this?" Scott asks before walking down the stairs.

"Don't you dare come near me," Mitch warns as he backs up against the door, ready to run out of the house.

"Omegas don't get to tell Alphas what to do," Scott says calmly.

Mitch stares at him, and decides to say nothing.

Scott reaches over and grabs Mitch's bag. "Where were you planning on going?"

Anywhere is better than here, Mitch thinks to himself.

"You don't have any money. You wouldn't make it out there on your own longer than two days," Scott says. "You may not want to admit it but you need an Alpha. You need me."

Mitch wants to scream that he's wrong, but he knows what he would say wouldn't matter.

Scott gently grabs Mitch's arm and pulls him away from the door. "Perhaps we should talk,"

No shit sherlock, Mitch thinks to himself.

Scott takes him to the lounge where they both sit on the couch.

Scott sets Mitch's bag beside him, and looks over at the Omega. There's nothing but silence.

It's silent for a few minutes between the two before Mitch lets a sob escape from his mouth and tears start spilling out of his eyes. He's been holding these tears in for weeks and couldn't do it anymore.

Scott tries to keep himself together but seeing the Omega cry just breaks his heart and he knows that he's the cause of the reason why Mitch is crying. He didn't mean for things to go this far.

"Mitch," Scott immediately wraps his arms around Mitch and holds him close.

Mitch tries to push him away but he gives up and just continues to cry.

"I'm so sorry, Mitch. This is all my fault," Scott whispers.

At least we're on the same page about one thing, Mitch thinks.

"I should have just listened to you but I had to make it about myself like I always do," Scott continues. "Mitch? Will you please say something?" He asks when he notices Mitch hasn't said a word.

Mitch looks up at Scott with sad eyes and slowly shakes his head.

"Oh," Scott takes a deep breath. "I guess I deserve the silent treatment after how I treated you."

More silence.

"Kirstie really wants to move in with us, but I told them to wait since... things are kind of... not okay,"

Mitch had wondered what's happening with the whole pack thing. Now he knows.

"Unless you still want them to move in. They're ready,"

Mitch slowly nods.

"Okay. I'll call Avi later and talk to him about it," Scott says. "But... we should really work this out. Look, I've done a lot of thinking. Our parents are only going to keep bothering us about having a child. We're still teenagers so what if... we wait a year or something... a year tops."

Mitch looks up at Scott curiously, wanting to see where this goes.

"We have a year to work on our relationship and then we start trying for a baby. One baby and no more. And, if you feel like you're still not ready for a child then maybe we can hire a nanny or something to help us so we still have some time. It's not the best plan but it's a plan," Scott suggests.

Mitch stares at him. At least Scott's been thinking about it.

Mitch takes a deep breath, biting his lip as he continues to think. "One year?" He asks.

"A year," Scott confirms with a nod.

"Okay," Mitch finally says. "But we have to try. Really try. Or none of this will work."  

scomiche; arranged marriage (omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now