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Scott allows Mitch to rest for a couple of days. They don't speak at all, but Scott checks on Mitch at least three times a day. He's constantly asking Avi how Mitch is doing as Avi is the one spending most time with him. Scott doesn't want Mitch to be alone at all and Mitch seems to be closer with him.

As soon as Mitch is well enough to walk around on his own, he catches up on his chores. He does laundry, and cleans all the rooms that need to be cleaned. It feels nice for Mitch to be up and about again. He hates sitting around and doing nothing. That's not who he is.

"I have to go give Scott is dinner," Mitch says to Avi as he picks up his plate.

"Are you sure? I can take it to him," Avi says as he sits up from his chair.

"No, it's okay. I can't avoid him forever," Mitch sighs. "I wish I could... but that's not reality."

"Try to talk to him," Avi suggests. "Maybe you guys can make this work."

"I'm not ready to talk to him yet, but thanks for trying," Mitch says before walking out of the kitchen. He takes a deep breath before walking upstairs and going to Scott's office. He gently knocks on the door.

"Come in,"

Mitch opens the door with his free hand. He walks in and blinks a few times when he sees Scott sitting at his desk chair though he was staring at nothing which seems unusual for Scott.

Mitch clears his throat, finally getting Scott's attention. "Dinner," he says quietly before walking over and placing the plate on Scott's desk. "Is there anything else you need, Sir?"

"Don't call me that," Scott warns as he glances up at Mitch.

"That's what you told me to call you. I don't understand, Sir?" Mitch says.

Scott flinches slightly. "Well, don't. Don't call me that anymore," he snaps. "My name is Scott."

Mitch frowns. He didn't want to talk to Scott after what happened but he can't help but be a little worried, why doesn't Scott want Mitch to call him Sir anymore? That just seems strange.

"Sh-Should we talk?" Mitch asks, looking up at Scott.

"I don't think that's a very good idea," Scott mumbles. "Talking only gets me in trouble."

"You're an Alpha, aren't you? You aren't acting like one," Mitch says.

"Maybe I wasn't meant to be an Alpha," Scott stands up from his chair.

"Well, there's not much we can do about that now. You can't just-"

"I don't want to be an Alpha anymore!" Scott yells, making Mitch jump. "I don't want to be in charge and I don't want to have control over anyone. I don't want to be like our parents. I just want to be normal!"

"We can be normal," Mitch says quietly. "We don't have to..."

"Yes, we do-" Scott sighs. "There's nothing that we can do to change how the world works. I'm an Alpha and you're an Omega. Just-" Scott sits back down. "Go. I need to be alone right now."

"Sir, please-"

"Don't call me that!" Scott yells, glaring at Mitch.

Mitch jumps and his eyes widen slightly. "My heat is coming up..."

"You've had heats by yourself before. You'll be fine without me," Scott mumbles.

"I thought you wanted children?" Mitch asks, blinking a few times.

Scott laughs. "You think I'm fit to be a parent? I can hardly take care of myself,"

"You're only thinking about yourself. What if I wanted children?" Mitch asks, slowly getting more frustrated.

"No. The answer is no. You haven't even been here for a month and you've already tried to run away because of how I've treated you. We're not ready to be parents. And besides, you're only sixteen. You shouldn't be worrying about kids anyways. Now just isn't the right time," Scott tells him.

Mitch glares at him. He can feel his face heating up from the anger inside him. "Fuck you, Scott!"

Scott immediately looks up at Mitch, surprised at his raised voice.

"Why did I even fucking bother?" He turns around and storms out of the room, slamming the door shut.

Scott quickly grabs the empty glass that had been sitting on the desk and threw it across the room. He takes deep breath as he watches the glass shatter to broken pieces on the floor.

Scott's supposed to be bettering himself as an Alpha, but now he's making it even more worse.

Of course, Scott knows what his problem is. He's afraid of falling in love and he's afraid of the future, and failing as a father. He's already failed as an Alpha. Scott's afraid of many things. But he couldn't admit it to anyone even if he wanted to because they would just laugh at him.

Alphas are supposed to be strong and protect. Alphas are supposed to take control.

Scott sits back down in his chair and buries his face in his hands.


Two weeks passed by. Nothing's changed between Scott and Mitch. They were practically avoiding each other at this point. Mitch drowned himself with chores despite hating doing the chores and Scott just kept himself locked in his office. It's the only place in the house where he can completely be alone.

Now, Mitch is sitting in the lounge with Avi, watching TV. Spongebob is on in the background but Mitch isn't paying any attention to it and neither is Avi. Avi's currently on his phone, texting his Omega.

A few moments pass of complete silence until Avi starts hearing whimpering.

Avi looks up and his eyes widen when he sees Mitch. "Oh no," he mumbles.

"Alpha, please..." Mitch begs as he crawls to the other side of the couch, closer to Avi. "Please help me, Sir, it hurts so much. I need help. Please help me."

"Shit, Mitch. Did you forget to take your suppressants?" Avi asks.

Mitch slides off of the couch and crawls over to Avi.

"Mitch..." Avi warns as he stands up, taking a deep breath. "Don't tempt me."

Mitch whines and grabs a hold of Avi's pants. "Alpha,"

Avi looks over as soon as the door slams open, and he sees Scott.

Scott looks down and growls when he sees Mitch close to Avi.

Avi grabs Mitch and pulls him up, then pushes him over to Scott. "Take him. He forgot to take his suppressants," he tells him. "I need to go home. I need to be with Kirstin."

"Go. Get. I don't want you near my Omega," Scott warns.

Avi immediately rushes out of the lounge and runs out of the house.

Scott bends down and picks up Mitch, carrying him bridal style up the stairs. He carries him all the way to his bedroom all while managing to ignore the fact that Mitch is practically clawing at him.

"Alpha," Mitch begs as he grabs onto Scott's shirt, tugging at him.

"Just a second baby, I've got you. I've got you and I'm going to take care of you," Scott says as he gently lays Mitch down on the bed. He walks over and shuts the door and locks it. He takes his shirt off and rushes back over to Mitch. He crawls onto the bed and hovers over Mitch, staring at him with hungry eyes.

Mitch whimpers as he struggles beneath Scott. "Alpha,"

"You're so beautiful. You're all mine. Mine," Scott growls. "I'm going to make you mine. Mine,"

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