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"So, I was thinking..."

"Were you?" Scott asks, chuckling as he looks over at Mitch.

"About what you said about Markings," Mitch says shyly.

"Yeah?" Scott asks, sitting up a little as he looks over at Mitch curiously. 

It's a little while later. Mitch has taken a bath and now he and Scott are relaxing on Scott's bed, just cuddling with each other and talking. Actually talking. No yelling.

"I feel like I can trust you. A lot has changed since we got married. I feel like we could make this relationship work if we really try, and maybe things will be better if you did Mark me. I feel like I would feel more safer and more protected if you Marked me," Mitch tells him, looking up at the Alpha beside him. "I want you to be the one to Mark me. Not some random Alpha."

"You really want me to?" Scott asks, a little surprised that Mitch even brought this up.

"Mhm. Now would be the perfect time since a butt load of people are coming over-"

Scott chuckles and shakes his head. "Nice choice of words,"

"Shush," Mitch sticks his tongue out at Scott. "I'm an unmarked Omega and I won't feel comfortable if there's a bunch of Alphas around. You know someone's going to try to claim me."

Scott growls. "Nobody will claim you. You're my Omega,"

"So, does that mean that you will Mark me?" Mitch asks hopefully.

Scott instantly reaches over and he quickly grabs Mitch's wrists, and pins them against the bed, above Mitch's head. He hovers over top of him.

Mitch gasps as he looks up at Scott. "Christ, warn me next time!"

Scott smirks as he looks down at the small Omega lying beneath him. "Where's the fun in that?" He asks before leaning down and kissing Mitch passionately.

Mitch moans and his eyes flutter shut. His hands rests on Scott's waist and holds onto him. He can't believe he's about to get Marked after all the times he promised himself not to let an Alpha Mark him. He feels like he's betraying himself in some way but it's for the best.

But, Scott isn't just any Alpha. Scott is his husband whether he likes it or not.

They need to bond together now rather than later and they need to be able to work together or else they'll be miserable for the rest of their lives and Mitch really does not want to live that way. He wants to be happy and get along with Scott and eventually raise a family with him.

And besides, Mitch would rather Scott be the one to Mark him than some random Alpha.


Mitch blinks a few times before looking up at Scott. "Yes?"

"You zoned out, love. Are you alright?" Scott asks worriedly.

"I'm fine, sorry. I was just... Thinking," Mitch blushes.

"Hm. Are you ready? I don't want to do this if you're not one hundred percent ready. Now is your chance if you would like to back out if you're having any second thoughts. What we're about to do is a permanent thing. Well... the bond can be broken but..."

"I'm sure," Mitch says quickly. "I want this. I really do want this."

"Okay," Scott takes a deep breath and he nods. He kisses Mitch on the lips, on the forehead, on the nose, and eventually makes his way down to his neck. Scott kisses the same spot on Mitch's neck a couple times before moving to where Mitch's 'mark spot' is. "Are you sure?"

"Scott! Just fucking Mark me already!" Mitch whines.

Scott laughs and finally places his teeth on Mitch's skin and slowly bites down on his neck.

"Ah!" Mitch arches his back and grabs a hold of the sheets.

Scott quickly grabs Mitch's face to keep him still. He bites down hard enough on Mitch's neck until he's satisfied enough with the Mark that he's made. He then sucks on the Mark a few times before kissing it.

"Beautiful," Scott whispers as he pulls away from Mitch's neck. He takes a deep breath before finally looking over at Mitch, who seems to be in shock and Scott can't tell if it's good or not. "Mitchy?"

"Wow," Mitch breathes. He blinks once before looking back at Scott. "I feel..."

"I feel it too," Scott smiles before leaning down and kissing Mitch.

"I... I can't believe that we're actually bonded with each other," Mitch whispers. "I swore to myself that I would never let anyone Mark me. But this... it feels right."

"I'm so fucking thankful that you gave me a chance. I'll prove to you that I can be a good Alpha to you, alright? Us being bonded means that I'll be able to protect you more. I'll be able to know when you're in danger. I'm not gonna let anymore Alphas hurt you," Scott whispers. "That's a promise that I'm going to keep."

"I believe you," Mitch whispers. "Things can only go up from here."

Scott sighs happily before falling down beside Mitch on the bed. He then quickly wraps his arms around Mitch and pulls him tightly to his chest without any warning.

Mitch squeals and giggles as he holds onto Scott. "Scott!" He whines. "Quit doing that!"

Scott grins as he looks down at Mitch. "Can you believe I'm married to the cutest Omega?"

"Oh," Mitch rolls his eyes. "Don't start getting sappy on me now."

scomiche; arranged marriage (omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now