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A/N: because you guys asked nicely, here's a double update :)


"You're such a good boy," Maxwell whispers as he gently lifts Mitch's chin up with his finger. "I think my two hours is up. Should we go show your Alpha all the progress you've made?"

Mitch remains silent, too exhausted to say or do anything. His body is even more sore, as he hadn't fully recovered from his heat. Now Maxwell made it even worse by punishing him every little mistake he made. Mitch has been punished before, but never like this.

Maxwell leans forward and presses his lips against Mitch's, and kisses him roughly. "God, how I wish you were my Omega. I'd have so much fun with you. Let's not tell Scotty about this. This will remain between you and I. You know what will happen if this gets out. Now, get up."

Mitch instantly obeys him, pushing himself up on his feet. He quickly puts his hands behind his back and looks down. He hates nothing more than being in Omega position but he doesn't want to be punished anymore. He doesn't know how much more pain he can take.

"Come on, Omega," Maxwell orders, harshly grabbing Mitch's wrist and leading him out of his bedroom. They walk down the hallway and get to Scott's office. Maxwell knocks on the door before pushing it open.

"Who the h- oh, it's you," Scott says when he sees Maxwell.

"I've got a surprise for you," Maxwell says before shoving Mitch forward.

Scott's eyes widen as soon as he sees Mitch, who's clearly been punished more than once since the last time they saw each other. His face is red and there are still tears on his face from crying earlier. He's nearly got a black eye, and Scott can see there are scratches on his wrists. He's sure there are more bruises on Mitch's body, he just can't see them.

"Maxwell, what did you do to him?" Scott asks, still shocked.

"He wouldn't listen so I had to punish him until he understood. Now, Mitchell... I believe you have something to say to Alpha Scott," Maxwell says, crossing his arms against his chest.

Mitch closes his eyes before getting down on his knees, in Omega position once again, with hands behind his back. Just like Maxwell taught him to do.

"I-" Scott's eyes widen as he watches Mitch. He never thought he would see him like this.

"I-I'm so sorry for my actions, Alpha. Please forgive me f-for disobeying you. I deserve any punishment you chose to give me," Mitch can feel his eyes water up but not because he's sad, because he's done the one thing he never wanted to do... submit to an Alpha.

Maxwell grins. "Not bad for just two hours, huh?"

Scott looks up at Maxwell. "I... I think you should leave," he says. "I need some alone time with Mitch."

"Gonna fuck him, are you?" Maxwell chuckles. "I wouldn't blame you. He's a hot piece of ass-"

"Maxwell," Scott warns, glaring at him. "Leave, and don't talk about my Omega that way."

"Call me if you need me again. I'd come over in a heartbeat," Maxwell winks before walking away.

Scott scoffs and shakes his head in disgust. "No wonder he's known as the rudest Alpha around here," he takes a deep breath as he looks down at Mitch, who's still in his Omega position. "Stop that. Get up." Scott reaches down and pull Mitch up from the ground, ignoring the fact that Mitch flinched.

"I-I'm sorry Alpha, please forgive-"

"Stop that," Scott says. "I don't know what he did to you... but maybe that was a mistake."

Again, Mitch doesn't say anything, he only stares at the floor.

"What? No sassy remarks? No attitude?" Scott asks, then frowns when Mitch says nothing. "Well..." He clears his throat. "It's been a long day. I think you should go rest."

Mitch hesitates before turning and walking out of the room.

Scott waits for him to leave and then he reaches over and grabs his phone, instantly texting Avi.

Less than five minutes later, Avi finally shows up to Scott's office.

"What's the emergency?" Avi asks, shutting the door behind him.

"I've fucked up!" Scott yells as he looks up at Avi.

"Okay," Avi raises his eyebrows. "It's not the first time but... talk to me."

"I called Maxwell,"

"You did what?" Avi yells, his eyes widening as he stares at Scott.

"I didn't know what else to do!" Scott groans. "I was just... tired of the way Mitch talked to me!"

"So you fucking talk to him about it, not call the worst Alpha you could have possibly called!"

"I can't talk to him, we can't talk with each other. He gives me attitude and I get frustrated... and then we get absolutely nowhere with the bloody conversation," Scott snaps.

"This marriage is never going to work out," Avi shakes his head.

"We have no choice. It was an arranged marriage,"

"Then get your shit together, Scott. You're both sixteen years old. You still have a lot of life to live with him, and do you really want to spend the rest of your life fighting with your husband?"

Scott cringes at the word 'husband'. He is only sixteen but he doesn't feel like. He had to give up his childhood and grow up because of this arranged marriage. He never really thought about that until now.

Scott sinks down in his chair and buries his face in his hands, letting a few tears slip out of his eyes.

Avi frowns slightly as he watches him. "Scott?" He asks, walking over to him.

"I don't want to live like this anymore Avi," Scott sniffs.

"I'm afraid you don't really have a choice. Unfortunately, this is how society works,"

"I'm only sixteen!" Scott yells, standing up. "I shouldn't have to marry at sixteen!"

"I get it, really... I do. Now you know how Mitch feels when he talks about all this protesting stuff," Avi says. "Maybe you two have a lot more in common than you think."

Scott scoffs and sits back down. "Yeah, right," he mumbles.

"How many times do we have to have this conversation, Scott? How many times do I have to tell you to talk to that boy before you finally did it. I'm not saying you have to fall in love but it's getting tiring watching you two fight the way you do. It's not healthy for either of you," Avi says. "Talk to him."

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