thirty three.

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"There you are Mitch. Please, come in. Shut the door, would you?"

Mitch quickly shuts the door and then he rushes over to where Scott is currently sitting at his office desk, with his hands folded behind his back and his head bowed.

"I-" Scott stops as soon as he notices the position that Mitch is in. "What are you doing?"

"Being respectful Sir," Mitch mumbles, glancing up at him.

Scott flinches slightly, and then he shakes his head. Mitch hasn't called him 'Sir' in such a long time and Scott doesn't like it one bit. "That's what Maxwell taught you?"

"Yes. It's a way of being respectful and I want to respect you because you're my Alpha, and I don't want to get punished for being disrespectful," Mitch says.

"No, I told you not to do that. We're equals, remember? You may be an Omega but I want you to be treated with respect. You should not have to... this-" Scott says, gesturing to Mitch's position.

"We cannot change society Alpha," Mitch says, looking up at Scott with confusion.

"No, but we sure as hell can try," Scott says, gently wrapping his arm around Mitch and pulling him closer, startling Mitch. "Sorry, love. I just want you to be closer."

"But, don't we need this kind of stuff?" Mitch asks. "We need ranks and balance and..."

"Maybe but people, especially Omegas like you... deserve to be treated with respect. There's a way to live where everybody can be treated equally with ranks and we need to start working on it," Scott says. "I've been talking to my dad about it and I think I'm finally getting in his head."

"Oh. That's good. Well, is there something that you needed Alpha?" Mitch asks.

"Yes, I need to ask you a few questions. Hop up here," Scott pats a spot on his desk.

Mitch giggles and then he jumps up onto Scott's desk.

Scott scoots closer to him and then he gently rests his hands on Mitch's waist and holds onto him. "So, I know that it's been a few months since..."

"Alpha, I don't want to talk about him..." Mitch begins.

"No, we're not talking about Maxwell. I know you don't want to talk about that yet. I just want to talk to you about trying to try for children again..."

Mitch's eyes widen and he shakes his head. "Sir, I'm not ready..."

Scott looks up at him, almost a little disappointed in his answer, but he'd never pressure Mitch into doing something that he's not ready for.

"I know it's been a few months but... I still have nightmares about this whole thing on top of what happened with Maxwell. I'm still recovering from losing- from losing..."

"Shh, you don't have to say it," Scott says quickly.

Mitch takes a deep breath. "I-I don't know when I'll be ready to try for children... but it's not anytime soon, and I know that you're disappointed with me saying that but I just can't right now," he says.

"No, I'm not disappointed. I mean... I do still want children but I'm not going to pressure you if you're not ready to try again. I just needed to ask so we can be on the same page, and working on moving forward,"

"I'm sorry it's taking me so long-" Mitch looks down at his hands with shame.

"No, no, no. None of that. Do not apologize for taking time for yourself. You went through a hell of a lot the past year and you deserve to take as long as you need to recover from it, okay? I'm gonna be there for you every step of the way,"

Mitch smiles a little, and then he sighs. "I just hate thinking that I'm holding you back,"

"We're a team and we stick together no matter what. We've been through... so many ups and downs but we're still together, yeah? There's no way that I would give up on you now. I love you way too much too much to do that,"

"How'd I get so lucky to have an Alpha like you?" Mitch sighs.

Scott smiles, and then he gently brings Mitch down and kisses him gently yet passionately.

Mitch closes his eyes as he kisses Scott back. He's missed his Alpha so much. He felt so dirty when Maxwell forced him to do things that he desperately didn't want to do. Cheating on his Alpha is something that he didn't want but it's not like he had any choice and luckily Scott understands that.

"I love you," Scott whispers against Mitch's lips.

"Say that again?"

Scott chuckles. "I-" Kiss. "Love-" Kiss. "You."

Mitch smiles and then he slides off of the desk and onto Scott's lap.

"Hi baby," Scott grins and then his eyes widen. "Oh, I'm-"

"Don't care," Mitch mumbles as he curls into Scott's lap, holding onto him.

"Sweetheart, I gotta get back to work," Scott laughs.

"Too bad. Comfy," Mitch looks up at Scott with an innocent smiles. "Please, Alpha?"

Scott laughs and shakes his head. "You will be the death of me,"

"You love it, don't lie," Mitch says. "I'm cute and adorable."

"You are very cute and adorable. I guess you can stay," Scott says.

Mitch giggles and rests his head on Scott's chest. "I love you Alpha,"  

scomiche; arranged marriage (omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now