1; Midnight Macca's Run With The Bad Boy

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The dark, rolling clouds seem to melt into water and pelts right down onto my mother's car, drowning the radio music. Every time my mother rotates the volume knob the rain would just assault the roof of the car harder and muffle Axl Rose's voice so my mum turns the radio off with a frustrated groan. She rests her elbow back on the door panel and props her temple up with her knuckles. She had a scowl on her face and had been muttering something about my dad when she picked me up from the school parking lot so I just assumed she had another small argument with dad.

I lean my head on the car window as we round the last corner to our house. My mother finally speaks for the first time since she picked me up from school. "Why the hell did I marry your father?" She pulls the black Volvo into the garage. I turn my head to look at her.

The purr of the car engine dies but we stay seated in the car, not bothering to even take our seatbelts off. "Did you guys argue about who should pick me up from school again?" She only replies with a sigh and a small nod. I huff, finally taking my seatbelt off, gathering my bag from the backseat and getting out of the car. "I'll start riding my bike again from tomorrow," I speak after my mum gets out of the car and closes the automatic garage door.

"No, honey, don't. It's just he told me he could pick you up last night so I made plans with Auntie Kelly and then he called me last minute to tell me he couldn't so I had to cancel everything." She grumbles on and on like a kid as we enter the house to find Liam and Elliot asleep on the couches in the living room.

My lips pull up into a smirk. "I know you're not asleep." They groan and stand just as I throw my bag on the kitchen counter, something my mother clearly hates.

She gives the car key a squeeze and tilts her head at me with disapproval. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop banging your bag against the counter? You'll scratch the marble with all those boyband key-rings you have." Liam and Elliot snickers behind their breath. My mother then turns towards my twin brothers and eyes them with her eyebrows raised. "And you two," she points her two fingers at Liam and Elliot. "Put a shirt on and get ready. I told you the Kingses are coming for dinner tonight." The twins race each other upstairs. Sometimes they act as though they're younger than me.

"You really invited the Kingses?" I ask as I break off a piece of Cadbury's mint chocolate and pop it into my mouth.

Mum smiles softly at me. She knows my last encounter with Hunter Kings wasn't exactly pleasant. Actually, every encounter I have with Hunter Kings is horrible. The guy hates me with a passion and I had never even done anything bad to him. But looking on the bright side, the other family members of the Kingses absolutely adore me. It started when I saw their daughter, Emily Kings, seated alone at lunch when we were only in kindergarten and invited her to sit with me and my group of friends. Emily became my best friend ever since.

"I hope you don't mind, sweetie. Your dad has an early finish tonight so I invited them over for dinner." She walks past me and opens the fridge. "Besides, I haven't seen Isabella and Sean for so long. Maybe if you're lucky, Hunter won't come tonight. Isabella told me about how he's always spending his time at his friends'."

I pick on the dry skin around my nails and bite my lips, thinking about Hunter, silently hoping he wasn't doing anything illegal. He is far too gorgeous to be locked up behind bars. But seriously, though, dark, unkempt hair and green eyes. The guy is built to perfection and towers over most of the students and teachers in Riverdale High at an impressive height of 6'2.

Mum pushes at my bag gently and lay the wooden cutting board on the counter. "Sweetie, you should take a shower and get ready. I need you to go to Mrs Oliver's shop to buy some fresh flowers. Take Elliot with you. He hasn't been out of the house all day." She shrugs her shoulders while cutting up the onions. Mum has an obsession with flowers. Sometimes she buys so many of them at once that the whole house would smell like a garden.

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