22; Bad Boy's Fight

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"What'd you tell your parents?" He asks as he adjusts my hat.

"That I'm going out with Matt."

He scowls at this. "You're awfully close to him."

"He's a friend. He got me this for my birthday." I hold my hand up, showing him the charm hanging around my wrist. He frowns but grabs my arm anyway.

I follow him as he continues to tug. "Why do I need to wear a hat?"

"Because I don't want anyone seeing you."

We turn a corner, walking further away from the main street and into an alleyway. The smell of garbage is so strong that I have to breathe through my mouth to stop myself from gagging. Hunter looks completely unaffected as he fixes the black sports bag hanging on his shoulder.

After walking deeper into the alleyway, we come to a stop in front of a green door with iron gates barring it from top to bottom. The spaces between the gates aren't even wide enough for a cat to squeeze through, let alone a human.

"This is safe?" I whisper, my heart racing anxiously.

"No, but you want the truth, don't you?"

I gulp, nodding my head. He smirks before pressing a black button beside the door. There's a buzzing sound as he presses it, and he clears his throat before waiting. I take this time to study him. Just like usual, he looks gorgeous.

The green door screeches open, revealing a tall, buff man. He has the darkest eyes and the bushiest eyebrows. I have the urge to run away and cower from him as he looks at me up and down. Not in a sexual way, but sceptically.

"She's with me." That was all Hunter needed to say to convince the man to unlock the gate. Hunter enters the building first, handing the man money, and I hold my breath as I pass the towering man. He huffs as he locks the gate again. One of Hunter's hand intertwines with mine. "Stay close to me," he mutters under his breath as we near a set of stairs leading down into what seems like an underground basement.

He didn't need to say anything. I am not trying to run away from him anytime soon. Definitely not when all these men are staring at me, probably wondering why I am even in here. I duck my head so they can't see me under the hat. The room we're walking through is dim and smells of sweat. I want to ask Hunter where we are but I have a feeling right now is not the right time to do it.

"Hunter!" a female voice yelps. I release my breath when I realise there is another female in here with me. My eyes go wide when I look at her very revealing outfit that only consists of a dark red halter bra and a plaid schoolgirl skirt. Her bright red high heels click the whole time she's walking down to Hunter. She embraces him, one of her knees bent as she wraps her arms around his neck. I try not to grimace when I see her breasts press against Hunter's chest like stress balls.

When my eyes roam around I see that the whole room is filled with sports equipment, specifically boxing. A couple of punching bags hang from the ceiling. A few boxing pads and training gloves are scattered around the place too. A boxing ring sits in the middle of the room, occupied by two bald men.

"Eleanor, this is Leah. Leah, Eleanor. She works as a waitress here."

I shake her hand, smiling as I do. She smiles back, uttering 'Nice to meet you'. She seems nice enough for now.

"Well, this is a first." She grins at Hunter, her red lipstick slightly smudged at the corner of her mouth like she just snogged someone. "You never told me you were seeing someone."

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