25; Involved With The Bad Boy

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I slowly open my eyes when I hear the sound of the trees rustling. I blink once to get rid of the sleepiness and realise that I'm in the backseat of Hunter's car with a blanket draped over me. I must've fallen asleep after last night.

I blush at the thought, burying my face in the blanket as I try to hold back a shit-eating grin. I immediately shoot up when I realise that the sun is actually streaming through the window, warming my bare skin. I shield my bare torso with the blanket and look around, sighing in relief when I see that there's no one outside.

I sigh as I hear the birds singing nearby, signalling it's a new day. For once, I feel so extremely happy I might explode. Not only did I spend a great night with Hunter Kings, but for the first time in what feels like years, the sun is actually gracing us with its presence again. I soak it all in as much as I can, afraid that it might go away before I can even comprehend it.

I spot Hunter outside, washing his hair with the fresh lake water. He's wearing the boxer he was wearing last night and I bite my lower lip with slight embarrassment at the thought of giving him head. What was I thinking? I'm trying so desperately to blame it on alcohol, but alcohol would usually make you forget, and I remember everything that happened last night. I have all of it memorized in my head.

I fix my hair first before adjusting my panties and putting on my bra. I open the car door, shivering when the cold air embraces me. My feet are bare as I make my way down to the water. Hunter doesn't notice me until I step into the water. He gives me a small smile as I step closer towards him. It feels extremely nice to have the sun back again.

"You slept okay?" His voice is coarse when he speaks.

I nod. "Yeah. You?"

"I couldn't sleep," he says. "The tournament is tomorrow."

He holds out his hand for me to take. I study his knuckles. It's just on the brink of healing and drying up. "Does it hurt?" I graze it with the tips of my fingers gently.

"Not unless I fist it."

I chuckle. "So you're going to fight with an open palm tomorrow?"

"I'll fight however I can. I need this money."

"Is there no other way that you can get money?"

He pulls on my hand, pulling me closer toward him. I press my hand against his warm, bare chest. He kisses me softly on my right temple before pulling away from me, walking towards the deeper part of the water.

"Please don't try to convince me to drop out of tomorrow's tournament." It's not a plead, but a demand.

I trail behind him slowly, gently kicking on the surface of the water as I slowly walk. "I just don't want you hurting yourself," I add in.

I hear him chuckle at this. "You should be worrying about yourself instead," he says when I finally come to a stand beside him.


He grabs my wrist, pulling my hand away from my body and pointing to a purple mark on my hip. "Is that from last night?" I ask.

"Yeah. Sorry. I got carried away."

I gently press it, grimacing a little when pain erupts in the area. "It's fine. It doesn't hurt."

He grins tiredly, pulling me by my waist and then kissing me on the lips. I hold the back of his head, burying my fingers in his hair. When he tries to pull away I bring myself closer to him to stop him. He feels too good I don't think I ever want to pull away.

When we finally do, though, he looks at me and says, "Don't try to bullshit a bullshitter."

"Did you clean me up last night? I remember you kind of..." my sentence slowly trails off and I feel myself flush with humiliation at what I am asking. He watches me, smirking when I shake my head and turn away. "Nevermind." I bend, cupping my palms and filling it with water before rubbing it on my stomach.

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