34; Loving The Bad Boy

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*S L I G H T L Y    S M U T T Y    T U R N    A W A Y    K I D S*


"Where are we going?" I question. 

Hunter ignores me and continues to tug my arm as we walk down the hill. His legs are too unbelievably long for me to keep up with, and several times I find myself tripping on branches and tree roots. This doesn't slow him down, though. Instead, he just continues without even glancing at me once.

"Seriously, where are we going?"

"Look." He stops and points at something far away in the distance. I stand beside him to look at what he's pointing at, but I can't see anything but trees. "Look closer."


He shakes his head at me and then takes my hand in his before walking forward again but this time much slower and a little less eager.

As we continue walking I finally see it and my eyes widen at how big it is. "Woah, who's is it?" I ask as I stare at the tree house in amazement.

"My grandpa and I made it when I was young," he explains, starting to climb up the ladders. The house looks old but is in good condition. It's big enough to fit two people, but not more. I can just see the faint white paint on the wooden door that says 'hunter & poppa'.

"Come on up," he yells from up top. I swallow, praying to god that the ladder doesn't give out as I'm climbing it. As soon as I am close enough to the top Hunter reaches out to me and helps me up.

He opens the door to the tree house. My mouth falls open at the sight of a mattress in the middle of the space along with some pillows and blankets. He flicks a switch, lighting the whole room up with Christmas lights that are stuck to the wall.

"I cleaned it up for you. I hope you like watching movies."


He invites me in. I have to slightly bend my head as I enter due to the low roofing. Hunter, on the other hand, has to bend his hips. The tree house itself had blown me away but now that I see a small TV is stuck to the wall I grin. I'm surprised to see that the inside of the house itself is wide and spacious. I can't imagine how long it must've taken Hunter and his grandparents to build this.

"You prepared all this for me?" I join him on the mattress, covering myself with the blanket to keep myself warm. "How did you get electricity in here?"

"All you have to say is thank you. What are we watching?"

I look at him, but he's looking at the TV, busy clicking away on the remote. "Thanks. What movies do you have?"

We argue for a while about what we should watch. I'm quite surprised when he brings up Fifty Shades of Grey. Watching that movie by myself is embarrassing enough for me, let alone with Hunter right beside me. Besides, it's hard for me to imagine that he would like watching it.

In the end, though, we finally come to an agreement that we're going to watch an old drama movie that the both of us have not yet watched before. "Did you just buy these DVDs too?" I curiously ask. All of their packagings seem to look brand new.

"Yeah. I figured you would like watching a movie."

During the movie, I keep finding my mind wandering to Hunter. From the corner of my eyes, I can see him focused on the movie, but I know he's not really paying attention. Old romance movies get a little boring sometimes, especially when the characters are looking into each other's eyes while reciting a dramatic monologue.

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